Update a workspace in Eclipse

Update a project or stream in Dimensions CM for Eclipse to refresh your local files so that they match the changed files in the repository.

If you modified a file locally and newer revisions exist in the repository, a conflict occurs. Use the synchronize view to resolve conflicts and merge the differences.

Update a workspace without delivering changes

You can update your Eclipse workspace without delivering changes to the repository.

To update a project:

In Package Explorer, right-click the project, and select Team > Update.

To update a stream:

  1. In Package Explorer, right-click the stream and select Team > Update. The Update Stream wizard opens. The Update Changes from This Stream box displays the ID of the source stream.

  2. All the Eclipse IDE projects in your workspace are listed. These are the projects to be updated.

    To change the scope of the update:

    1. Click Select.

    2. Select a projects group from your workspace, and click Next.

    3. Select the workspace projects to update, and click Finish.

  3. To interactively (manually) verify the update results before applying them to the work area, select Perform an interactive update.

  4. (Optional) To set advanced options, click Advanced.

  5. Select the following options where applicable:

    • Apply the repository date and time to the files.

    • To reset all changes in the work area and synchronize with the repository, select Reset the work area to the latest repository content. You can also delete locally added files, such as artifacts added by a local build process. You typically select this option when shelving a stream.

    • Automatically merge files that don't have conflicts.

    • Display a summary of the results of the operation (available only for non-interactive updates).

    • Enable logging. Enter the path to the folder where you want to save the log file, or click Browse to select a folder.

    • Click Next.

  6. Select a version of the source stream.

  7. To run the update, click Finish.

    The results of the update are displayed. Use the Dimensions CM Stream Update view to compare revisions, resolve conflicts, and synchronize with the repository.

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Update a workspace from requests

You can update your workspace with requests related to the home stream.

Tip: To update from other streams or projects, use Merge. For details, see Merge changes across streams in Eclipse.

To update a workspace from requests:

  1. In Dimensions Explorer, select Requests to display all pending requests for the default stream/project in your current Dimensions CM product.

  2. To select requests:

    • Streams: select one or more requests, right-click, and select Update Stream from Request.

    • Projects: select a request, right-click, and select Update Project from Request.

      The Select Update Options wizard opens.

  3. The Update changes from these request(s) box displays the selected requests. To change or add requests, click Select. You can select requests from the My Inbox or Favorite tabs.

  4. If the requests are related to different streams, click Select in the Include Changes from This Stream field, and select a stream. The Update operation can update only from one stream at a time. If your workspace contains multiple Eclipse projects associated with different streams, run Update again for each stream.

    If you selected requests that do not belong to the stream associated with your workspace, you are prompted to merge.

  5. The Update Changes into These Eclipse Project(s) table lists all the Eclipse IDE projects currently in your workspace. These are the projects to be updated.

    To change the scope of the update:

    1. Click Select.

    2. Select a projects group from your workspace, and click Next.

    3. Select the workspace projects that you want to update, and click Finish.

  6. To interactively (manually) verify the update results before applying them to the work area, select Perform an interactive update.

  7. To include all items that are related to child requests of the selected change request, select Also include items related to child request(s).

  8. (Optional) Click Advanced and select these options where applicable:

    • Apply the repository date and time to the files.

    • Automatically merge files whose content does not conflict.

    • Display a summary of the results of the operation (available only for non-interactive updates).

    • Enable logging. Enter the path to the folder where you want to save the log file, or click Browse and select a folder.

  9. To run the update, click Finish. The changes to be added to the workspace are displayed. Accept or change the suggested resolutions.

  10. Click Finish to update the workspace with the changes associated with the selected requests.

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See also: