View file properties in Eclipse
In the Eclipse integration, you access file attributes, history, and relationships through a single dialog box from which you can also perform source control operations on file revisions.
To view source control information:
In Eclipse, right-click the file or project, and select Team > Open Item Properties. The item properties appear in the Item Revision editor.
Switch between the tabs to browse the properties for the item:
Property Description Details Displays general details about the file such as revision number, status, stage, and lock status. Attributes Displays the item attributes for each of the different roles. Relationships Displays related objects such as design part, requests, baselines, and other items. History Displays the item history for the file, as compared to the revision history which displays with the Team > Show History command. Users and Roles Displays the Role Assignments and Request Pending For information for the item. Privileges Displays the item privileges for the selected user.