Action baseline items

When you action baseline items, you move items in a baseline to a new lifecycle state.

PRIVILEGES: Action Item to Next State to action the items to a valid next state. Action Items to Any State to action the items to a lifecycle state without a valid transition.

To action baseline items:

  1. Select a baseline.

  2. Select Baseline > Action > Baseline Items.

  3. In the Action Baseline Items dialog box, change the Item Specification Filter if needed. You can use the following wildcards:

    Underscore (_) Matches exactly one character. For example, d_g matches dog or dig.
    Asterisk (*) or percent sign (%) Matches any number of characters. For example, d%g matches dog,  drag, or dreaming.

    Item specifications have the following format:


  4. From the New Status list, select the next status for the items.

    If you leave this field empty, Dimensions CM automatically selects the next normal lifecycle status.

    Note: If you do not have the Action baselines to any state privilege, the new status must be reached from the current status by a single normal lifecycle transition.

  5. (Optional) For Action description, enter a comment. The default comment is:

    Item actioned from <previous status> to <new status>

  6. Click OK.

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See also: