Customize desktop client startup

You can configure the Windows launch icon Desktop Client, which starts up the desktop client to preload connection choices and perform Dimensions CM commands.

Customize how desktop client starts

You can configure the desktop client to run a command on startup but not to open up a particular project.

To customize the starting of the desktop client:

  1. Locate the desktop client icon created by the installation process. Normally, it's in the Start menu.

    If the desktop client icon is not in the Start menu:

    1. Right-click the Start button and select Open.

    2. In the Start Menu window, double-click the Programs icon.

    3. In the Programs window, locate the desktop client icon in the Dimensions CM program group.

      Caution: We strongly recommend to create a shortcut for the customized version and modify the shortcut, not the original pcwin.exe. Never change the original properties.

  2. Create a shortcut to the desktop client by dragging the desktop client icon on to the Windows desktop.

  3. Right-click the icon and select Properties.

  4. Select the Shortcut tab.

    The Target field includes the path, for example:

    C:\Program Files\OpenText\Dimensions <version>\CM\prog\pcwin.exe

    The actual path depends on the DM_ROOT choice you made during installation.

  5. Edit the Target field to customize how the desktop client is launched. You can edit the Target field to specify:

    • Connections to specific hosts and/or Dimensions CM databases.

    • Commands to run after a connection has been made.

    • SHOW_DIRS accesses the project/stream directories display at startup, for example:


    • ClearWindowData

      Remove client persistency data from the Registry, resetting to defaults.

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Edit the Target field

You can edit the Target field to specify that a valid Dimensions CM command runs after a connection has been made.

This mechanism is not meant to be used as a full alternative to command line, but it is useful for setting default projects and other similar tasks.

The following examples demonstrate the syntax to use in the Target field:

Copy code


Copy code

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See also: