Set associations
Associations enable you to associate an item type with a particular file extension when creating items.
For example, if you enter build\src\main.c as a project file name and you have associated c with Item Type SRC on the Associations tab of the Preferences dialog box, item type SRC is automatically selected for the newly created item.
Note: This file extension mapping is used only if no upload rules are defined. If there is an upload rule that matches the file extension (even the default % rule), the item type matching the upload rule is used instead.
To add an association:
In the desktop client, select Tools > Preferences.
In the Preferences dialog box, select the Associations tab.
In the Add Association section, specify a file extension, for example, JAVA, and select the item type. Click Add.
Click OK.
To remove an association:
In the desktop client, select Tools > Preferences.
In the Preferences dialog box, select the Associations tab.
In the list of associations, select the associations to remove.
Click Remove.
Click OK.
See also: