Suspend design parts

Suspend design parts when you no longer need them but do not want to delete them.

Suspended design parts are still displayed in Dimensions CM, but you cannot relate requests to them. After they are suspended, you cannot unsuspend them.

You cannot suspend a design part that is referenced by any open requests.

PRIVILEGES: Suspend Design Part.

To suspend a design part:

  1. In the My Current Project/Stream pane, click Parts and Items. The Select Product and Design Part to Open dialog box opens.

  2. Select the product and the design part and click Open.

  3. Select one or more design parts.

    The design parts must belong to the same product and be of the same type.

  4. Select Part > Suspend.

  5. Verify that you selected the correct design parts, and click OK.

    Suspended design parts are visible in the tree structure, but you cannot use them.

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