Work in object trees

In a content window, you use object trees to view a project/stream folder or design part structure and select related objects so that you can perform operations on them.

The following table describes how to use object trees.

Task Description
Navigate an object tree.
  • To expand a folder, click the plus sign (+) next to it.

  • To collapse a folder, click the minus sign (-) next to it.

  • To select a folder, click the folder.

View only a portion of a Design Part tree.
  1. In a Design Part tree, select the folder you want to display as the top-level folder in the tree.

  2. Click the Make Root button.

    The tree displays the folder you selected as the top-level node, with its subfolders under it.

  3. To view the entire tree again, in the list at the top of the tree, select the top-level design part name.

Save the contents of a tree.
  1. Click the Save button.

  2. In the Save As dialog box, enter a file name.

  3. Select a format:

    • To save the list or tree in an HTML file, from the Save as type list, select HTML Files (*.html).

    • (List only) To save the list in a text file with commas separating the fields, from the Save as type list, select CSV Files (Comma Delimited) (*.csv).

  4. Click the Save button.

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See also: