Merge from baseline into stream

You can merge changes from a baseline into a target stream.

To merge changes from a baseline:

  1. In the desktop client, right-click a stream and select Merge. In the Merge wizard, select Merge a baseline into a stream and click Next.

    Or right-click a baseline or a baseline folder and click Merge.

    The Merge Baseline wizard opens.

  2. If you invoked the merge from a baseline, the Merge changes from the baseline box displays the baseline ID. This is the source for the merge.

    To select a different baseline, click Select and use the Select Baseline dialog box to select a product and baseline. Or enter the baseline ID in this format: PRODUCT:BASELINE_NAME

  3. The Merge changes into this target stream box displays the name of the stream from which you invoked the merge. To select a different target stream, specify the stream in the following format:



    Or click Select and select one of the options in the Select Stream dialog box. If you select Another project/stream, do one of the following:

    • Enter a text string to display only those project/stream names that contain the characters in your string. For example, to find QLARIUS:JAVA_BRANCHA, enter vs.

    • Select a project/stream from the list. Favorites and recently used projects/streams are displayed at the top.

    Note: You can merge only into the latest version of the target stream.

  4. Continue from the Merge using this work area option in Merge from one stream to another.

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