Use custom file merge tool

You can use a custom file merge tool for automatic and manual merge.

Manual merge

Note: Not available in the Eclipse integration.

The default merge tool is Araxis Merge.

Araxis Merge is supported on Windows for the following clients: desktop client, web client (with Web Client Tools), Synchronize Wizard, and the Visual Studio and Windows Explorer integrations.

You can configure your own tool for manual merge, and set it as the default. For details, see the section about configuring the default merge tools in Administration.

Tip: We recommend using a three-way file merge tool. This way, you can see local and repository revisions, and the common ancestor, when you select changes to apply to the merge target.

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Automatic merge

Note: Available only in the desktop client and the Windows Explorer and Visual Studio integrations.

The default automatic merge tool is the GNU cross-platform diff utility, but you can specify a different merge tool.

In your client (or an agent for remote work areas), edit the %DM_ROOT%\Prog\dmdiff.cmd file, or the corresponding SH file on Linux, to launch your preferred automatic merge tool.

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