Create a release

Create a snapshot of a product configuration or a baseline that you can then package and ship to a customer, for example, or use in integration testing.

If you are creating a release on a z/OS mainframe node, Dimensions CM automatically creates the target data sets, and you do not have to pre-allocate them. But make note of the target location so that you know where the files are stored.


  • To create releases, you need the Create Release privilege.

  • If the baseline for the release includes items that do not belong to the product, you may need additional privileges.

  • Ensure that you have permissions to create the folders on the appropriate workstation or server.

To create a release:

  1. In the desktop client, select the baseline from which you want to create the release. If you select multiple baselines, the first baseline in the list is used.

  2. Select File > New > Release.

  3. In the New Release dialog box, specify the following options:

    Option Description
    Baseline to be released Verify that the correct baseline is selected If necessary, browse to select a different baseline.
    Previous release To base the new release on a previous release, select the Delta Release option and enter the name of the source release.
    Release ID

    Enter a name for the release. The name must be unique within the product. Because Dimensions CM doesn't record variants, versions, or revisions for a release, make the name as specific as possible, for example:

    Release for USA

    Release template ID

    If applicable, select a release template.

    Release templates are created in the Administration Console.

    Release directory To use the project/stream root folder, leave the field empty. To specify a release folder where to copy the item revisions, enter a folder path, or click the browse button and select a folder.
    Description (Optional) Add a description of the release.
    Expand substitution variables Select this option to enable item header substitution. For details, see About creating items.
    Automatically overwrite files Select this option to overwrite any matching files in the release directory. By default, no files are overwritten.
    Apply system date/time Select this option to set the timestamp of your work area files to the current date and time.
  4. Click Create. Dimensions CM sends an email notifying you when the operation is completed.

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See also: