Merge Conflicting Item Revisions dialog box

Use this dialog box to merge two or more conflicting revisions in the File Merge Tool.

Use the General tab to identify the new revision.

See Options tab (Merge Conflicting Item Revisions) for how to add additional information to the new revision.

See Attributes tab/page for how to view and change the user-defined attributes.

General tab

Field Description

Item specification

Initially shows the selected item specification without the revision ID.

After you select a revision from the Item Revisions list, this field displays the item specification with the revision ID.

New named Branch

After you select a revision from the Item Revisions list, this field displays the branch for the item.

If required, select a different branch.

New revision

After you select a revision from the Item Revisions list, this field increments the revision ID by one.

If required, enter a new revision ID.

Item revisions Lists the conflicting revisions for the selected item.

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