Update a local work area from a project

You can update a local work area with the changes from a project.

Field Description

Update from

Specifies the project to be the source of the updates.

Include the following types of changes

Select the types of change in the project to apply to your work area.

Include repository folders

Enter an expression to specify folders in the repository to be explicitly included in the update.

You can use these wildcards:

  • * — a wildcard character that matches any number of characters.
  • ? — a wildcard character that matches any single character.

  • | — joins or concatenates multiple expressions.

  • \ — a separator for folders (Windows and UNIX).

Exclude repository files

Enter an expression to specify files in the repository to be explicitly excluded from the update.

Auto merge non-conflicting file content

Automatically merge files that do not have conflicts.

Skip summary before synchronization

Do not display a summary of the update.

Close wizard on completion

Automatically close the wizard after the update operation is completed.

Enable in folder

Generate an output log for the operation in the folder that you specify.

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