Push changes

The git push command pushes changes to a Dimensions CM stream from a Git repository:

git push


The following guidelines apply when using the git push command:

  • Only the tip changeset generated by a git push operation has a peer review and runs chains.
  • By default, Dimensions CM streams created by the Git Client are topic streams. Use the option topic=false to create normal streams.
  • By default, requests are not related to topic streams. Use the option topicrequest=<request ID> to relate requests.

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  • Push changes from the current branch of the local Git repository into Dimensions CM. Each commit that is pushed becomes a changeset in the corresponding stream.

    git push

  • Create a new topic stream called newstream and push changes from the current branch of the local Git repository into that stream.

    git push --set-upstream origin newstream

  • Create a new normal stream called newstream.

    git push --set-upstream origin newstream --push-option="topic=false"

  • Create a new topic stream called newstream and relate it to the request QLARIUS_CR_36.


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