Use tags

Tags specify significant points in a repository’s history such as releases and stable builds.

Guidelines for using tags

You can use the following tags:

Lightweight tags Temporary or personal tags attached to a Git commit that you can quickly create and delete. They are stored as metadata with the corresponding changeset in Dimensions CM.
Annotated tags Used to identify project milestones such as when the application is ready for release. Annotated tags have a comment, creator, date, and timestamp. They are stored in Dimensions CM as baselines.
  • Only tags for changesets that are being cloned are created. For example, if you are cloning to a depth of three changesets (--depth=3), and the fourth oldest changeset has a tag, that tag is excluded from the fetch.
  • You cannot create annotated tags with topic streams.

For details about tags, see the Git documentation.

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Create and push lightweight tags

You can use the Git Client to:

  • Create lightweight tags.
  • Push changes to Dimensions CM.
  • Create new changesets.
  • Store lightweight tag information as a property of a changeset.


  1. Clone a stream:

    Copy code
    git clone dimensions://cmserver/cm_typical@dim14/qlarius/java_brancha_str .
  2. Make changes to the code.

  3. Commit the changes and create a lightweight tag called mywork:

    Copy code
    git commit –a –m “comment for my changes”
    git tag mywork
  4. Push the lightweight tag to Dimensions CM:

    Copy code
    git push origin mywork

The push command:

  • Delivers the code changes.
  • Creates a new Dimensions CM changeset with the tag mywork.

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Delete lightweight tags

You can remove lightweight tags from Dimensions CM changesets.


  1. Delete the lightweight tag locally in your Git repository:
  2. git tag –d mywork
  3. Push the tag deletion to Dimensions CM:
  4. git push --delete origin mywork

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Create and push annotated tags

You can use the Git Client to:

  • Create annotated tags.
  • Push changes to Dimensions CM.
  • Create new changesets.
  • Create new baselines of streams.

Note: The user pushing the annotated tag requires the appropriate Dimensions CM privileges to create baselines.


  1. Clone a stream:

    Copy code
    git clone dimensions://cmserver/cm_typical@dim14/qlarius/java_brancha_str .
  2. Make changes to the code.

  3. Commit the changes and create an annotated tag called rel2.1:

    Copy code
    git commit –a –m “comment for my changes”
    git tag –a rel2.1 –m “ready for release”
  4. Push the annotated tag to Dimensions CM:

    Copy code
    git push origin rel2.1

The push command:

  • Delivers the code changes.
  • Creates a new Dimensions CM changeset.
  • Create a new baseline of the stream at that point in time.

The annotated tag name is used as the baseline identifier, for example: QLARIUS:REL2.1

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Delete annotated tags

You can delete annotated tags from Dimensions CM. If you delete a baseline directly from Dimensions CM using a client, the annotated tag is also deleted.

Note: The user pushing the annotated tag requires the appropriate Dimensions CM privileges to create baselines.


  1. Delete the annotated tag locally in your Git repository:

    Copy code
    git tag –d rel2.1
  2. Push the tag deletion to Dimensions CM:

    Copy code
    git push --delete origin rel2.1

This command deletes the baseline QLARIUS:REL2.1 from Dimensions CM.

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List tags

Git has multiple methods to list tags and display the commits related to a tags. All methods are supported by the Dimensions CM Git Client.


  • To list lightweight and annotated tags:

    git tag –l

  • To list all tags and the commits the tags point to:

    git show-ref --tags

  • To show the details for a specific tag:

    git show rel2.1

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