Authenticate to Jira using the command line

This topic describes how to authenticate to Jira Software using dmcli, the Dimensions CM command line.

After registering credentials, you can use Jira issues as requests in Dimensions CM for current and future connection sessions until the Jira token is revoked, the password expires, or the user is locked.

Simple authentication

The easiest way to authenticate to Jira is to use a URL.

To use simple authentication:

  1. Log in to the dmcli command-line client with your Dimensions CM credentials.
  2. Run a command that uses an external request, for example, deliver changes in response to a Jira issue.
  3. When the command fails to authenticate to Jira, copy the URL in the command output.
  4. Paste the URL into a browser.
  5. Step through the Jira authentication process.

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Register Jira Cloud credentials

You can associate Jira Cloud user credentials with a Dimensions CM user.

To register Jira Cloud credentials:

  1. In your Atlassian account, navigate to Account Settings > Security > API token > Create and manage API tokens.
  2. Create and save an API token.
  3. Log in to the Dimensions CM desktop or dmcli command-line client using your CM credentials.
  4. To register the Jira Cloud credentials, run the following AUTH command:

    Copy code
    AUTH /USER="<Jira username>" /PASSWORD="<Jira API token>" /IDM_TOOL="<Jira instance ID>"


    • PASSWORD is the Jira API token.
    • IDM_TOOL is the ID of the Jira request provider. Enter "." to register credentials against the provider associated with the current product.

      Tip: If the Jira username is an email address, use double @@ symbols, for example,

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Register Jira Server credentials

If your Dimensions CM and Jira Server login credentials are different, or you want to use a different Jira account for your CM user, you can register your Jira Server credentials using dmcli.

To register Jira Server credentials:

  1. Log in to the desktop client or dmcli command-line client with your Dimensions CM credentials.
  2. To register the Jira Server credentials, run the following AUTH command:

    Copy code
    AUTH /USER="<Jira username>" /PASSWORD="<Jira password>" /IDM_TOOL="<Jira instance ID>"

    where IDM_TOOL is the ID of the Jira request provider . Enter "." to register credentials against the provider associated with the current product.

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Unregister Jira credentials

To unregister Jira Cloud and Server credentials, run this dmcli command:

Copy code
AUTH /DELETE /IDM_TOOL="<Jira instance ID>"


Copy code

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See also: