Impacted Targets wizard

This wizard displays the targets impacted by the items, request, or project/stream that you selected. This enables you to check what targets may need to be rebuilt if you change a source file.

Field Description
Build Configuration Select the build configuration for which you want to view impacted targets.
Build Stage Select a deployment stage. To select a work area select <none>.
Build Area Select a build or work area.

Target Selections

Choose target selections for the target list:

  • Show all targets from build configuration: displays all targets from the build configuration.
  • Show final targets only: does not display intermediate targets.

  • Show foreign items: displays items that are related to items in a different project or stream.

  • Show side-effect targets: displays files created at the same time as the main target, such as a compile listing.

  • Show predicted targets: display targets based on a previous revision of the item. This is relevant when the selected revision has not yet been built.

  • Include targets impacted by related requests: considers child requests as well as the parent request.

If you change target selections, click Re-query to refresh the target list.

Build Targets List

Select one or more targets to build. For each target in the list the following build dependency information is displayed:

  • Target: the name of the target as defined in Dimensions Build.

  • Filename: the file name of the target or mask as defined in Dimensions Build.

  • Found In: the relationship of the objects that you are going to build to the target. Can be one of the following:

    • Build Config: Matches a rule in a build configuration (explicit relationship).
    • BOM: Named in a bill of materials (BOM) from a previous build (implicit relationship).

    • Build Config/BOM: Matches both Build Config (explicit) and BOM (implicit).

    • <blank>: No matches were found for the selected objects.

  • Build Config: The build configuration that you selected. The configuration version may be different from that in the Build configuration list (the latter is ignored when this data is processed).

  • Details: Can be one of the following:

    • Prediction: the relationship is based on a previous revision of the item.
    • Foreign: is related to an item in a different project or stream.

This option displays targets that are:

  • Affected by the objects that you selected.

  • Associated with the build configuration you selected.

  • When dependency information is available from previous builds it is used to approximate impacted targets. However, this approximation is based on stored data and the actual build result may be different.

  • If a specific target cannot be matched against the objects that you selected, all targets for the selected configuration are displayed.

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See also: