Users, Roles and Privileges dialog box

In the Users, Roles and Privileges dialog box, you can view:

  • The role assignments for a Dimensions CM request, item, project, or baseline.

  • The users who have that object in their inbox.

  • The privileges enabled for the object and the rules that apply for each privilege.

In the Users It is Pending For tab, you can view the users who have this object in their inboxes.

See the Role Assignments tab for details on how to view which users have roles that enable them to make changes to the object.

See the Privileges tab for details on how to view the user privileges for performing request operations and the rules that apply to those privileges.

Users with Object in their Inbox tab

Field Description


The user ID for the user who has the request in their Inbox.

Full Name

The user's name.


The user's location.


The user's department.


The user's phone number.


The user's role.


Indicates whether the user has the Primary, Secondary, or Leader role capability for the request.

You set up role capabilities in the Administration Console. For details, see Set up the process model.

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