Move design parts

Move a design part to place it under a different parent in the design part structure. When you move a design part, you also move all the subordinate design parts.

You cannot move a design part in the following situations:

  • If the design part is suspended.

  • If the new parent design part is suspended.

  • If the design part has any open requests related to it.

  • If the new parent design part belongs to another product.

PRIVILEGES: Relate Design Part to Design Part.

To move a design part:

  1. In the web client, open the Requests view.
  2. Expand the design part tree in the navigation pane, and select a design part to move.

  3. On the toolbar, select Manage Parts > Move. The Move Design Part dialog box opens.

  4. For the New Parent Design Part, select a design part from the list.

  5. Click OK.

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See also: