Relate design parts

Relate design parts to create a usage relationship between the parts. You can remove usage relationships from the selected design part by unrelating design parts.

PRIVILEGES: Update Design Part.

To relate a design part:

  1. In the web client, open the Requests view.
  2. Expand the design part tree in the navigation pane, and select the design part you want to relate as used by another part.

  3. On the toolbar, select Manage Parts > Relate. The Relate To dialog box opens.

  4. Enter the design part specification in the following format:


    Or click the browse button to select the design part. The Select Design Part wizard opens:

    1. Specify design part details:

      Field Description


      Select the product.

      You can use wildcards:

      • Use an underscore (_) to match exactly one character. For example, d_g matches dog or dig.

      • Use an asterisk (*) or percent sign (%) to match any number of characters. For example, d*g matches dog or drag or dreaming.

      Part ID

      Enter the design part specification. You can use wildcards.

      Category Enter the design part category. You can use wildcards.

      Part description

      Enter text to find in the design part description. You can use wildcards.

    2. Click Next.

    3. From the list of the design parts that match your criteria, select a design part, and click Finish.

  5. Click Yes.

To unrelate a design part:

  1. In the web client, open the Requests view.
  2. Expand the design part tree in the navigation pane, and select the design part from which you want to unrelate other parts.

  3. On the toolbar, select Manage Parts > Unrelate. The Unrelate From dialog box opens, displaying a list of the design parts related as used by the selected design part.

  4. In the Used Parts list, select one or more design parts you want to remove from a usage relationship.

  5. Click OK.

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See also: