Export items

Export an item revision from your current project when you want to use a copy of that item in the other project. You can export multiple item revisions.

Note: This functionality is not available for streams.

PRIVILEGES: Add Item Revisions to Project, Remove Item Revisions from Project.

The project file name of an exported item is taken from the project file name in your current project.

To export an item to a project:

  1. In the My Current Project view, expand the Files and Folders node in the navigation pane.

  2. Select one or more items. If the revision you require is not visible, check that All revisions is selected in the filter list.

  3. On the toolbar, click More and select Export to Project.

  4. From the Export the following item revisions to project list, select the target project to export the item to.

  5. Verify that you have selected the correct item(s) to export.

  6. In the Track changes with request(s)  field, enter or select any requests you want to use to track the refactoring operation, or leave this field blank if you want to use your project default request.

  7. Click OK.

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See also: