New Project wizard

In the New Project wizard, create an empty project, or base the new project on an existing project/stream or baseline.

To view and change a project's user-defined attributes, see Attributes tab/page.

Set project details

On the wizard's first page, specify the product, name, type, and description for the new project.

Field Description
Product Select the product in which to create the new project.
Project name Enter a name for the project.
Type Select a project type from the list.
Description Enter a description for the new project.

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Specify the Base On source

On the Based On page, specify the source on which to base the project.

Field Description
Nothing (empty project) Select this option to create an empty project.

Based on project

Select this option to populate the project with the item revisions from an existing project. Specify a project's ID or search for a project.

To find a project:

  1. Click Select and select Another project.

  2. Specify the ID of a project or select a project from the list.

    Enter a text string to display only those project names that contain the characters in your string. For example, to find QLARIUS:JAVA_BRANCHA, enter vs.

    Favorite and recently used projects are displayed at the top of the list.

  3. (Optional) Select a specific project version on which to base the new project. By default, the new project is based on the latest version.

  4. Click OK.

Note: The new project inherits all the revisions from the parent project.

Based on stream

Select this option to populate the project with the item revisions from an existing stream.

Select a stream in the same way as a project.

Based on a baseline Select this option to populate the project with the item revisions from a baseline. Then select a baseline from the list.
Copy build configuration (if available) Select this option to copy the build configuration from the parent project to the new project.

Note: If the lists of streams or baselines are large, these fields are displayed as text boxes with browse buttons, and you can browse to select a stream or baseline.

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Set versioning options and CM rules

On the versioning options page, select versioning options for the project and define how to enforce Change Management rules.

Version management options

Field Description

Select this option to increment version numbers by adding a period before the new number.

For example, if an item's revision number is 2, the item's first new revision in this project is 2.1, and the next one is 2.2.

But for new items, the first revision number is 1, and the next one is 2.

Do not branch

Select this option to increment version numbers by adding 1 to the previous revision number.

For example, if an item's revision number is 2, the item's first new revision in this project is 3, and the next one is 4. If an item's revision number is 2.1, the first new revision is 2.2.

Note: We recommend that you use this option and assign a single branch.

Allow user to override default revision number Select this option to allow users to change the automatically generated revision number when they create new item revisions.

Change Management rules

Field Description
Use item type settings Select this option to make items follow the CM rules, as defined for their item type in the Administration Console.
Always enabled Select this option to make items behave as if the CM rules defined for their item types are enabled, regardless of whether they are enabled in the Administration Console.
Always disabled Select this option to make items behave as if the CM rules defined for their item types are disabled.
Request required to refactor

Select this option to require users to specify a request ID when they make refactoring changes, such as moving or renaming items or project folders.

Note: You cannot relate refactoring changes as In Response To a request if the request is above the initial stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle (GSL).

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Set promotion options

On the promotion options page, specify how to handle the deployment of project items.

Field Description

Use local stages

This deployment-related option determines whether the stage of item revisions in this project is affected by changes in other projects/streams. This option enables the following behavior:

  • If Use local stages is selected, this preserves the stages of item revisions from changes caused by actioning.

    The stage of an item revision in this project remains unchanged when the same item revision in another project/stream is promoted/demoted to another stage.

    As a result, the same item revision can be at a different stage in different projects/streams.

  • If Use local stages is cleared, then promoting/demoting an item revision in another project/stream to another stage changes the stage of the same item revision in this project.

If an item's lifecycle states are mapped to stages in the Global Stage Lifecycle (GSL), then the stage of an item revision can also be changed when the item revision is actioned to those states.

Note: After you select this option, you cannot clear it. If your project is using Deployment Automation, this option is always selected.

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Set branch options

On the branches page, select the default branch and the valid branches to use for new item revisions.

Field Description
Valid branches Select branches to which future revisions in this project may be assigned.
Default branch Select the default branch to use when automatically generating the revision number for item revisions in this project.

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See also: