Withdraw a release from a customer

Withdraw a release from a customer when you want to remove the record of the fact that the release has been supplied to that customer.

PRIVILEGES: Forward Release to Customer.

To withdraw a release from one or more customers:

  1. In the Baselines view, click the Manage Releases button.

  2. In the Manage Releases dialog box, on the Releases tab, select the release and click the Open button or click the name link.

  3. Select the Relationships tab.

  4. Select one or more customers and click the Withdraw Release button.

  5. Click OK.

To withdraw one or more releases from a customer:

  1. In the Baselines view, click the Manage Releases button.

  2. In the Manage Releases dialog box, select the Customers tab.

  3. Select the customer, and click the Open button or click the name link.

  4. Select the Relationships tab.

  5. Select one or more releases and click the Withdraw from Customer button.

  6. Click OK.

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