Scenarios for deploying refactoring changes

This section provides detailed scenarios of how to deploy refactoring changes using requests. It also contains short scenarios to illustrate the basic types of refactoring changes.


These scenarios assume a Global Stage Lifecycle with four stages:

  • DEV (Development)

  • SIT (System Integration Test)

  • QA (Quality Assurance)

  • LIVE

Each stage has a single attached deployment area, but the same principles apply to multiple deployment areas. It is assumed that these deployment areas are attached to the project as Deploy by Default. This way, the files are automatically deployed to the area where they are promoted to the corresponding stage.

File names are displayed in UNIX format using forward slashes, and the item revision numbers are denoted by a semi-colon, followed by the revision number.

In these scenarios, the involved areas are associated as Deploy by Default for the project concerned, so that the deployments occur automatically when the changes are promoted. The scenarios assume that projects are being used.

Deployment of regressions

By default, a higher revision of an item file replaces a lower revision if it is deployed to an area, but this behavior is optional.

For details, see Deploy regressions.

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See also: