Set up a deployment environment

To create a deployment environment for your organization, you define some or all of the following parts: the Global Stage Lifecycle (GSL), lifecycles for objects, deployment areas, deployment roles and privileges, and deployment email notifications.

As an administrator, you typically configure a Dimensions CM deployment environment in the Dimensions CM Administration Console. For details, see Set up the process model.

Set up the Global Stage Lifecycle (GSL)

The GSL is the base database lifecycle that items follow through the deployment process.

You configure the Global Stage Lifecycle (GSL) as follows:

  • Add or delete a transition between stages.

  • Add, rename, or delete a stage.

  • Assign user roles to transitions.

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Set up lifecycles

A lifecycle is a set of states that defines the workflow of an object. It consists of a set of linked state transitions, each transition defining what role a user must have to move the object to the end state in the transition.

You configure a lifecycle as follows:

  • Create a new lifecycle for items, requests and baselines.

  • Delete a lifecycle.

  • Relate a lifecycle to one or more object types.

  • Edit the states, transitions, roles, attribute rules, CM rules, and properties for a lifecycle.

  • Map lifecycle states to the GSL.

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Set up deployment areas

A deployment area is a physical location on drive that contains a snapshot of the items at a particular stage in the GSL.

You configure deployment areas as follows:

  • Create an area.

  • Associate a stage in the GSL to an area.

  • Assign an area to a project or stream.

  • Set the deployment sequence for an area.

  • Enable Deploy by Default for an area.

  • Create and assign area scripts.

  • Create and assign area filters.

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Set deployment roles and privileges

A privilege is a function or action that a user or group can perform, such as a privilege on the stage that you are promoting to or demoting from.

There are a set of privilege rules that you can specify in the administration console for each privilege that determine which users can perform that function, and under what conditions.

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Set deployment email notifications

An email notification defines an event in Dimensions CM that causes an email message to be sent to specified users or groups. For example, you can set up a notification when an item is promoted and deployed.

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See also: