View automation history

The Automation view in the Dimensions CM web client displays details of promotions, demotions, and automations in DA.

Open the Automation view from the desktop client

To access the Automation history view, you need the Dimensions CM web client, but you can use the desktop client to open the view.

To open the Automation History view from the desktop client:

  1. In a content window, select a baseline.

  2. From the Baseline menu, select History.

  3. In the History dialog box, select Automation History.

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Open a DA process from the web client

Use the Automation view in the Dimensions CM web client to open a DA process in Deployment Automation.

To open a DA process from the web client:

  1. In the web client, select the Automation view.

  2. Select the Queue or History tab.

  3. In the Process column, select a DA process.

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Open Deployment Automation from a baseline

You can open Deployment Automation from the Dimensions CM web client or desktop client.

To open DA from the web client:

  1. In the web client, select the Automation or Baseline view.

  2. Select a baseline.

  3. On the toolbar select an option:

    • Baseline tab: Select More > Open in DA.

    • Automation tab: Select Open in DA.

To open DA from the desktop client:

  1. In the desktop client's content window, select a baseline.

  2. From the Baseline menu, select Open in DA.

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View the queue

The Queue tab of the Automation view lists all the jobs that are waiting to run or are scheduled to run.

Column Description
Job ID ID of the job. Click to display a job’s properties.
Name Name of the baseline. Click to display more information.
Detail Baseline description.
Job State Current state of the job. Click to display the job’s status.
Queued Date Date and time when to run the job.
Queued By Dimensions CM user who deployed the object.
Scheduled Date Date a job is scheduled to run.
Created By Dimensions CM user who created the job.
Stage GSL stage for which the job is pending.
Application DA application used for the automation.
Pipeline DA pipeline used for the automation.
Environment DA environment mapped to the GSL stage where the object was promoted to or demoted from.
Process DA application process used to execute the automation.
Component DA components map to CM baselines.
Version DA component version name.
Product DA applications are mapped to CM products.

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View history

The History tab of the Automation view lists events that have completed.

Column Description
Name Name of the object. Click to view more information.
Detail Baseline description.
Event Type Promotion, Demotion, or Automation.
Reason A description of the operation.
Event Result Submitted, Executing, Succeeded, Failed, Canceled, or Paused. Click to view more information.
Event Date The date and time of the operation.
Event By The Dimensions CM user who performed the operation.
From Stage Stage in the GSL where the object was promoted to or demoted from.
To Stage Stage in the GSL where the object was promoted or demoted to.
Application The DA application used for the automation.
Pipeline The DA pipeline used for the automation.
Environment The DA environment mapped to the GSL stage where the object was promoted to or demoted from.
Process The DA application process used to execute the automation. Click to open the process in DA.
Component The DA components mapped to Dimensions CM baselines.
Version The DA component version name.
Product The DA applications mapped to Dimensions CM products.

When you select a stage in the navigation pane, event types with an associated stage or area are displayed in the content pane.

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