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HttpProtocolMetadata Class

HTTP protocol metadata
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  HP.SV.DotNetRuleApi.Hook.Processing.ProtocolMetadata
Assembly:  HP.SV.DotNetRuleApi (in HP.SV.DotNetRuleApi.dll) Version:
public sealed class HttpProtocolMetadata

The HttpProtocolMetadata type exposes the following members.

Public methodHttpProtocolMetadata
Initializes a new instance of the HttpProtocolMetadata class
Public fieldStatic memberAcceptHeaderKey
Accept HTTP header. You can read, update, and delete the value.
Public fieldStatic memberAuthMethodKey
HTTP authentication method. Read only string value, one of "None", "Digest", "Ntlm" or "Basic"
Public fieldStatic memberAuthorizationHeaderKey
Authorization HTTP header. You can read, update, and delete the value.
Public fieldStatic memberBaseRequestUriKey
Original request Uri without query string. Read-only string value.
Public fieldStatic memberClientCertificateSubjectKey
Client certificate subject value. Read-only string value.
Public fieldStatic memberClientCertificateThumbprintKey
Client certificate thumbprint value. Read-only string value.
Public fieldStatic memberContentEncodingHeaderKey
Content-Encoding HTTP header. You can read, update, and delete the value.
Public fieldStatic memberContentLengthHeaderKey
Content-Length HTTP header. You can read, update, and delete the value.
Public fieldStatic memberContentTypeKey
Content-Type HTTP header. You can read, update, and delete the value.
Public fieldStatic memberDateHeaderKey
Date HTTP header. You can read, update, and delete the value.
Public fieldStatic memberLocationKey
Location HTTP header. You can read, update, and delete the value.
Public fieldStatic memberMethodKey
HTTP Method. Read-only string value.
Public fieldStatic memberNamespace
Namespace of the HTTP protocol metadata
Public fieldStatic memberPasswordKey
Authentication password if present. Read-only string value.
Public fieldStatic memberRealResourceUriKey
Absolute target Uri path. Read-only System.Uri value.
Public fieldStatic memberRefererHeaderKey
Referer HTTP header. You can read, update, and delete the value.
Public fieldStatic memberStatusCodeKey
HTTP Status Code value. Read-only string value.
Public fieldStatic memberUriPathKey
Uri Path value. Read-only string value.
Public fieldStatic memberUrlQueryKey
Query string. Read-only string value.
Public fieldStatic memberUserAgentHeaderKey
User-Agent HTTP header. You can read, update, and delete the value.
Public fieldStatic memberVersionKey
HTTP version. Read-only string value.
See Also