Filter dialog boxes

The filter dialog boxes (Graph Settings, Global Filter, and Analysis Summary Filter) enable you to filter the data that is displayed in the graph or report.

When adding a graph, the filter and sort button is displayed which enables you to filter and sort data before the graph is displayed.

To access Use one of the following:
  • View > Set Filter/Group By or click
  • File > Set Global Filter or click
  • View > Summary Filter or click

Some fields below only appear in some of the filter dialog boxes.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Filter Condition Select criteria and values for each filter condition that you want to employ. The applicable filter conditions are displayed for each graph. For details on each graphs filter conditions, see the chapter on the relevant graph.
Criteria Select "=" (equals) or "<>" (does not equal).

The filter conditions are grouped into three value types (discrete, continuous, and time-based).

A discrete value is a distinct integer (whole number) or string value such as Transaction Name or Vuser ID. Select the check box(es) of the value(s) that you want to include in your filter. You can also customize your filter by entering wild cards to depict any single character or any series of characters.

  • A continuous value is a variable dimension that can take any value within the minimum and maximum range limits, such as Transaction Response Time. You set the dimension information for each measurement in the Set Dimension Information dialog box.
  • A time-based value is a value that is based on time relative to the start of the load test scenario. Scenario Elapsed Time is the only condition that uses time-based values. You specify time-based values in the Scenario Elapsed Time dialog box.

For some filter conditions, one of the following dialog boxes opens to enable you to specify additional filtering details:

Transaction Percentile The Summary Report contains a percentile column showing the response time of 90% of transactions (90% of transactions that fall within this amount of time). To change the value of the default 90 percentile, enter a new figure in the Transaction Percentile box.
Set Default Displays the default criteria and values for each filter condition.
Clear All Deletes all of the information you entered in the dialog box.
Group By settings Use these settings to sort the graph display by grouping the data. You can group the data by:
  • Available groups. Select the group by which you want to the sort the results, and click the right arrow.
  • Selected groups. Displays a list of all the selected groups by which the results are sorted. To remove a value, select it and click the left arrow.
Clear all graph filters and the Summary Filter, before applying the Global Filter settings

When this check box is selected for the Global Filter, Analysis clears all user-defined settings in the graph filters (including Group By settings) and in the Analysis Summary Filter, and then applies the current Global Filter conditions.

Note: The Transaction Percentile setting in the Analysis Summary Filter is not affected by the Global Filter.

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