Certificate Manager

Install and manage CA and TLS (SSL) certificates using the Certificate Manager wizard.

Note: For security reasons, you need administrator privileges in order to use the Certificate Manager.

Install certificates using the Certificate Manager

Use the Certificate Manager to install a root CA certificate, intermediate CA certificates (if required), and a TLS (SSL) certificate.

To install certificates using the Certificate Manager:

  1. In Controller, select Tools > Certificate Manager. The Certificate Manager opens, and the Installed Certificates page is displayed.

  2. On the Installed Certificates page, click Change. The Select CA Certificate page is displayed.

  3. Select or create a root CA certificate:

    1. On the Select CA Certificate page, select a root CA Certificate from the list. If the required root CA certificate does not appear in the list, create or import the required certificate. For details, see Select CA Certificate page.

    2. Click Next. The Select SSL/Intermediate Certificate page is displayed.

  4. If required, add one or more intermediate CA certificates:

    1. On the Select SSL/Intermediate Certificate page, click Import.

    2. On the Import a Certificate page, select the files to import. For details, see Import a Certificate page.

      When finished, click Import.

    3. Click Next. A new Select SSL/Intermediate Certificate page opens, where you select the next certificate in the chain.

    If you need to add another intermediate CA certificate to the certificate chain, repeat Step 4.

  5. Select or create a TLS (SSL) certificate:

    1. On the Select SSL/Intermediate Certificate page, select a TLS (SSL) certificate from the list. If the required certificate does not appear in the list, create or import the required certificate. For details, see Select SSL/Intermediate Certificate page.

      Note: For higher security, we recommend creating and installing a separate TLS (SSL) certificate for each machine.

    2. Click Next. The Install Certificate page displays a list of the certificates you selected for installation.
  6. Review the list of certificates and click Finish. The certificates are installed on the LoadRunner Professional machine, and the Installed Certificates page is displayed.

    Tip: After installation, you can click Validate to verify the certificate chain.

  7. Restart the LoadRunner Agent service.

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Certificate Manager wizard

The Certificate Manage wizard guides you through the process of installing and managing CA and TLS certificates on the machine. The Certificate Manager includes the following pages.

Installed Certificates page

View the certificates currently installed on the machine.

UI Element Description
<Certificate list>

List of the certificates currently installed on the machine.

If no LoadRunner certificates have been added yet with the Certificate Manager, this page displays the default certificates.

Validate Click to validate the certificate chain installed on the machine.

Click to select different certificates to install on the machine.

For details, see Select CA Certificate page.

Close Click to close the Certificate Manager.

Select CA Certificate page

Manage root CA certificates, and select one to install on the machine.

UI Element Description
<Certificate list> List of the root CA certificates currently available on the machine.

Click to create a new root CA certificate.

For details, see Create New Certificate page.


Click to delete the selected certificate from the list of certificates. This also deletes any intermediate CA certificates and TLS (SSL) certificates associated with the selected certificate.

Note: If the certificate is installed, deleting the certificate from this list does not uninstall it from the machine.


Click to export the selected certificate and its private key.

For details, see Export a Certificate page.


Click to import a root CA certificate to use with LoadRunner Professional.

For details, see Import a Certificate page.

Select SSL/Intermediate Certificate page

Manage TLS (SSL) certificates and intermediate CA certificates, and select one to install on the machine.

Tip: The name of the selected parent CA certificate is displayed in the header of the page.

UI Element Description
<Certificate list> List of the available TLS (SSL) certificates and intermediate CA certificates of the selected parent CA certificate.

Click to create a new TLS (SSL) certificate linked to the selected parent CA certificate.

For details, see Create New Certificate page.

Note: If you did not provide the private key for the parent CA certificate, this option is disabled.

Delete Click to delete the selected certificate from the list of certificates. If the selected certificate is part of a chain, any certificates dependent on the selected certificate are also deleted.

Click to export the selected certificate and its private key.

For details, see Export a Certificate page.


Click to import a TLS (SSL) certificate or intermediate CA certificate to link to the selected parent CA certificate.

For details, see Import a Certificate page.

Create New Certificate page

Enter the details to create a new certificate.

Tip: When creating a new TLS (SSL) certificate, the parent CA certificate details are displayed below the other fields.

UI Element Description
Organization Name (Required) The legal name of the organization, company, or entity.
Common Name (Required) The fully qualified domain name that you want to secure.
Country Name The two-letter ISO code for the country where your organization is located.
Valid from The starting date of the certificate's validity.
Valid to The expiration date of the certificate's validity. This date must be later than the date in the Valid from field.

Import a Certificate page

Import a certificate to use with LoadRunner Professional.

UI Element Description
Certificate Click to select a certificate file to import.
Private key

Click to select the private key file of the selected certificate.

Note: The private key is optional when importing a CA certificate. If you do not include the private key when importing a CA certificate, you will not be able to generate new TLS (SSL) certificates using this CA certificate.


If the selected private key file is encrypted, enter the password.

The private key is imported and re-encrypted with a randomly generated password. The original password is not kept.

Export a Certificate page

Export a certificate and its private key.

UI Element Description
Certificate Click to set the name and location of the exported certificate file.
Private key Click to set the name and location of the exported private key file.
Encrypt private key with password? Check to encrypt the exported private key with a password.
Password Enter the password to use for the private key encryption.

Install Certificate page

View a list of the certificates you selected for installation.

UI Element Description
<Certificate list> List of the certificates selected for installation.

Click to install the listed certificates.

For details, see Installed Certificates page.

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See also: