Silk Performer monitoring

When you run Silk Performer scripts from Controller, the Silk Performer counters and timers collect measurement data from the monitored transactions. The collected data is displayed in dedicated graphs.

Monitoring with Silk Performer scripts

You can run Silk Performer scripts in Controller, and view the collected data in Controller and Analysis graphs. For details on running Silk Performer scripts in Controller, see Set up and run Silk Performer scripts.

Data is monitored and reported in real time, and measurements can be viewed online (in Controller) and offline (in Analysis), using the data points from the Silk Performer scripts.

The Silk Performer graphs are enabled by default—they automatically begin monitoring Vusers at the start of a scenario that contains Silk Performer scripts.

Note: The Silk Performer Agent must be installed on the load generator to run Silk Performer scripts. For details, see Set up and run Silk Performer scripts.

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Silk Performer monitor graphs

The following monitor graphs are available when you run Silk Performer scripts:

Monitor Description
Silk Data Counters

Provides information about data measurements, measured in kilobytes.

All data of this type is displayed with the Silk_Data prefix in the Silk Data Counters graph, alongside the name of the measurement.

Silk General Counters

Provides information about non-data counter measurements.

All data of this type is displayed with the Silk_Counter prefix in the Silk General Counters graph, alongside the name of the measurement.

Silk Timer Measurements

Provides information about timer measurements, measured in seconds.

All data of this type is displayed with the Silk_Timer prefix in the Silk Timer Measurements graph, alongside the name of the measurement.

Note: Silk Performer custom and non-custom measurement types not included in these graphs are reported in the User-Defined Data Points graphs in Analysis. For details, see User-Defined Data Points graphs .

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See also: