Select Transactions page

This wizard page enables you to select transactions to evaluate as part of your goal.

Important information
  • General information about this wizard is available here: Service Level Agreement wizard.
  • This page is displayed when creating an SLA for Transaction Response Time by Average, Percentile, or APDEX.
  • In order to define this SLA, at least one of the Vuser scripts participating in the scenario must include a transaction.
  • You can select multiple transactions using the Ctrl key.
See also

Service level agreements overview

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Available Transactions

Lists the transactions in the Vuser scripts participating in the scenario.

To move a script to the Selected Transaction list, select it and click Add.

Selected Transactions

Lists the transactions in the Vuser scripts participating in the scenario that have been selected for the SLA.

To remove a script from this list, select it and click Remove.

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