Service Level Agreement wizard

This wizard enables you to define goals or service level agreements (SLAs) for your load test scenario.

To access

In Analysis: Tools menu > Configure SLA Rules > Service Level Agreement pane >

In Controller: Design tab > Service Level Agreement pane >

Important information

The pages included in the wizard depend on the measurement that is selected. See the wizard maps below.

Relevant tasks
Wizard map - Goal measured per time interval

The Service Level Agreement Wizard contains:

Welcome > Select a Measurement page > (Select Transactions page) > Set Load Criteria page > Set Threshold Values page (goal per time interval)

Wizard map - Goal measured over whole scenario run

The Service Level Agreement Wizard contains:

Welcome > Select a Measurement page > (Select Transactions page) > Set Threshold Values page

The possible Set Threshold Values pages are:

See also

Service level agreements overview

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