Create Cloud Load Generator dialog box

The Create Cloud Load Generator dialog box enables you to deploy a new cloud-based load generator.

To access
  1. Click on the Controller toolbar to open the Load Generator dialog box.
  2. Click Add from Cloud.
  3. Click Provision New LG.
Relevant tasks

Add load generators to a scenario

See also

Use Cloud Load Generator dialog box

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element
Provision the load generator(s) for the scenario according to the last configuration used for the selected account. This button is only enabled after you select a cloud account.
If this is the first time you are provisioning load generators, the default configuration is used.
<number of load generators>
The number of cloud-based load generators to provision.
Terminate the Load Generator when load test is finished
Terminates the current deployment when the load test is complete.

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Shows or hides the tabs where you configure the cloud load generator parameters and the network profile to be used by the load generator. Controller saves your selections for future provisioning. For details, see below.

Note: In order to provision load generators from the cloud, you need to replace the default certificate with the self-signed certificate. For details, see Create certificates for Azure cloud.

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Create Cloud Load Generator sections

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element
Machine Settings (Amazon EC2)
The cloud machine parameters. You can configure the following parameters:
  • Region. The region (geographic location) and the availability-zone (isolated location within the region). For example us-west-1.
  • Availability Zone. The zone within the region in which the cloud machine is accessible.
  • AMI. (Amazon Machine Image) A template that contains a software configuration for your server such as the operating system. For OpenText Professional Performance Engineering, the image also contains the load generator software. For information on creating custom cloud images, see Create custom image for load generators on the cloud.
  • Security Group. The security group is a firewall-like mechanism that controls traffic to or from its associated instances. If you omit this property, the cloud provider’s default security group is used. The default security group does not allow Controller to connect to load generators using its default port. Therefore, you must create your own security group and enable it for all of the relevant communication ports. This includes the Controller port, the default port (54345), and any port set by the communication channel infrastructure. (See Network and Security Manager). In addition, if you are going to access your load generators manually, you need to enable the security group for RDP access. You can select multiple values if allowed by the vendor.
  • Key Pair. (Optional - only if you want to connect remotely.) The key pair encrypts and decrypts your login information.
  • Elastic IP. (EIP) A static IP address that lets you mask the failure of an instance or software by remapping the address to another instance, if your current instance fails. For more information, see the Amazon product documentation.
  • Instance Type. The hardware configuration of the host computer to be provisioned. This impacts parameters such as storage and memory. For example, m1.xlarge.
  • Shutdown Behavior. (For AWS cloud service only) How to handle the cloud machine when the scenario ends:
    • Terminate. Terminate the machine completely and remove it from the list of load generators at the end of the scenario run.
    • Stop. Place the machine in Stopped mode and remove it from the list of load generators at the end of the scenario run. If you add this machine at a later time using the Use Cloud Load Generator dialog box, it is automatically started again.

Refer to the cloud provider's website for further information about these parameters.

Machine Settings (Microsoft Azure)
The cloud machine parameters. You can configure the following parameters:
  • Location. The geographic location.
  • Image. A template that contains a software configuration for your server, such as the operating system. For OpenText Professional Performance Engineering, the image should also contain the load generator software. For information on creating an image for Azure, see Create custom image for load generators on the cloud.
  • Storage Account. A specific storage area in your account.
  • Size. The hardware configuration of the machine to be provisioned. This impacts the storage and memory.
  • User/Password. Credentials for accessing the machine directly, for example, through Remote Desktop.
  • Additional Ports. (Optional) A list of ports, separated by spaces, to be opened in the machine. For example, to connect to the machine using Remote Desktop, specify port 3389.

Refer to the cloud provider's website for further information about these parameters.

Connections tab
Shows the details of the network profile assigned to the load generator, such as the proxy information, connection mode, and ports.
  • To use a network profile other than the default, select one from the drop-down list.
  • To create a new profile, click the button to open the Network Profile Manager. For details, see Network Profile Manager dialog box.

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