Create and verify the connection between Controller and agent machines

This task describes how to set up your system to monitor the servers over a firewall.

Note: When the load generator is located over a firewall, if the load generator and Controller have different security modes, communication cannot be established.

  1. Configure Controller for running over a firewall

    To run or monitor Vusers over a firewall, you need to create a unique connection between Controller and the OpenText Professional Performance Engineering Agent machines. Agent machines include load generator machines that run over a firewall and all Monitors Over Firewall (MOFW) machines.

    This connection is made through the MI Listener, which serves as a router between Controller and the agent. To establish this connection, you configure the Controller machine to define the agent machine as a load generator.

    To configure Controller for running Vusers or monitoring over the firewall:

    1. Define the load generator settings in the Load Generators dialog box. For the server name, be sure to use the same Local Machine Key setting as in the Agent Configuration. For Details, see the Load Generators dialog box.
    2. Define the settings in the MI Listener Configuration dialog box, using the same MI Listener name as in the Agent Configuration.

    Note: You cannot change the temporary folder on the host running or monitoring Vusers over the firewall.

  2. Enable and confirm your connection

    After you have configured the agent,the MI Listener and Controller, select the load generator in the Load Generators dialog box and click Connect.

    A green or red light next to the agent in the system tray indicates a successful or unsuccessful connection respectively.

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