Known issues

This section provides general notes and limitations.

Additional known issues and workarounds are included in the relevant sections of the Help Center.

Installation and upgrade

Read the following before installing, uninstalling, or upgrading your components:

Install permissions

The installation process for all components requires a full administrator account (root account for Linux systems) for all operating systems.

You can install the components with UAC and DEP enabled, but we recommend to keep them disabled during installation (or enable DEP for essential Windows programs and services only).

After installation, all of the applications and components can run under a standard user account (an administrator account is not required), with UAC and DEP enabled.

License update

When upgrading from a version earlier than version 2020, you need to replace your current license to work with the upgraded installation. If you are using the Community license, it is automatically replaced during installation. For any other license, contact support to obtain a valid, compatible license.

For more information, see Manage and install licenses.

Virtual environments

The architectures provided by virtualization vendors are rapidly evolving. OpenText Professional Performance Engineering is expected to function as designed in these changing environments, as long as the third-party vendor guarantees full compatibility of the virtualized environment with the OpenText Professional Performance Engineering-approved hardware requirements.

If you follow the system requirements and support matrix to create the virtual machine, OpenText Professional Performance Engineering will work correctly.

Working on top of a virtual machine may require access to the virtualization server hardware/monitoring environment to ensure the virtualization server is not saturated; otherwise, this might obscure the virtual machine's measurements and lead to false results.

Security - CA certificate

This product works with OpenSSL, which enforces additional constraints for secure communication. OpenSSL requires that the basic constraints for a CA certificate include a confirmation that the certificate is a CA certificate.

Use the provided tools to create and install a new CA certificate and new TLS certificates on each OpenText Professional Performance Engineering machine. For details, see Secure communication with TLS (SSL).

Organization's CA: If your CA certificate is provided by your organization, verify that the certificate includes the constraints described above. If the required constraints are not defined, your IT department should provide updated CA and TLS certificates to install on the machines.

To verify:

Check that the constraint is defined for the CA certificate in the Basic Constraints extension, for example, Subject Type=CA or CA:TRUE (the constraint format varies, depending on how the certificate was accessed).

  • On Windows: Double-click the CA certificate and select the Details tab. Select Extensions only from the Show list, then select Basic Constraints and check that the constraint is defined in the properties area.
  • On Linux: Use the following command to view certificate information: openssl x509 -in <CA-filename> -noout -text.
Anti-virus applications

It is recommended that you close all anti-virus applications, such as McAfee or Aladdin's eSafe, before installation.

Virtual Table Server (VTS) upgrade

  • When upgrading VTS, first uninstall the older version, then reinstall the latest version from the Additional Components folder.

    If you are upgrading VTS from a version earlier than 2020 SP1, then export the VTS data into a CSV file before uninstalling the older version. After installation of the new version, import the exported data into VTS.

    For more details, see Install VTS in the VuGen Help Center.

  • The default data path for VTS has been updated to <VTS root folder>\db\data. To continue using your current data path:

    • When prompted during the installation, redirect the data path to your current data path.
    • After installation, update the dbPath value in the VTS configuration file. Then restart the VTS service.

Coexistence with OpenText Functional Testing products

  • We recommend that you do not install OpenText Professional Performance Engineering components and OpenText Functional Testing for Developers on the same machine. Doing so may cause issues when invoking the Analysis API from an external code or plugin (for example, Jenkins), with recording and code generation for Java protocols, with Network Virtualization replay, TruClient functionality, and other issues. If you try to continue to work while these issues exist, it may cause the components to malfunction.

    Possible workaround: Before proceeding, make sure that OpenText Functional Testing for Developers is excluded from the PATH environment variable on the machine. For more information, see this Knowledge Base article.

  • If you install or uninstall components on a machine where OpenText Functional Testing is also installed, at the end of the process a warning message is displayed: "Cannot load resource file <somepath>/mdrv_res.e2 (<somepath>/mdrv_res.j2)." Ignore this message.

  • If you install OpenText Professional Performance Engineering and OpenText Functional Testing on the same machine, and then uninstall one of them, the remaining software program may not function correctly.

    Resolution: Run a Repair of the software program you want to use on the machine.

  • A machine on which OpenText Functional Testing was installed after OpenText Professional Performance Engineering may not allow the recording of certain protocols.

    Resolution: Uninstall OpenText Functional Testing and run a Repair on the OpenText Professional Performance Engineering installation.

  • If you install OpenText Functional Testing on a load generator machine when the load generator agent is running, the remote Controller may not be able to run OpenText Functional Testing scripts on the load generator machine.

    Resolution: After installing OpenText Functional Testing, restart the load generator agent using the Agent Configuration utility, or alternatively reboot the machine.


  • If you have multiple OpenText Professional Performance Engineering components installed together on a machine (for example, both VuGen and Analysis, standalone versions), and you uninstall one of the components, run a Repair installation on the remaining components after the uninstall.
  • If you have VuGen standalone and OpenText Business Process Monitoring (BPM) installed together on a single machine, and you uninstall BPM, run a Repair installation on VuGen.
  • When uninstalling a load generator on a Linux machine, the uninstall process may fail and you may get an error message saying "Cannot restore segment port after reloc: permission denied."

  • Resolution: Use the setenforce 0 command to deactivate SE Linux before uninstalling the load generator. When the uninstall is complete, use the setenforce 1 command to enable SE Linux.

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Microsoft Windows

Note the following when working with a Microsoft Windows OS:

Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016

Default browser
  • When working with Windows 10 or 2016, we recommend using Internet Explorer (IE) 11 as the default browser; using the Edge browser interferes with some of the advanced functionality.
  • Use IE as the default browser with Windows 10 to prevent issues with proxy recording and certificate settings.
Windows Sockets (Winsock)

Recording Winsock scripts on older Microsoft Edge browsers is not supported.

Recording is supported on the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser.

Microsoft Windows 10 May 2019 Update (1903)


Publishing a container port fails on Windows 10 1903. As a result, Dockerized load generators are not supported when using Windows 10 1903 edition. (Recommended OS: Windows Server 2019, build 17763)

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The following describes possible issues with permission settings:

License utility

When running the License Utility with UAC enabled, you are prompted for administrator credentials.

Resolution: Run the utility as administrator.

Web scripts and IE ESC

On a Window Server operating system when recording Web protocol scripts, or recording and replaying TruClient - Web scripts, it is recommended to deactivate Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration (IE ESC).

IE ESC blocks certain actions. This may prevent the automatic download of files that are necessary for your workflow.

Resolution: In Windows 2016 or 2019 select Server Manager > Local Server > Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration.

Web scripts and DEP

When recording a Web-based protocol script, the recording may fail in certain installations, if Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is enabled.

Resolution: Deactivate DEP on your VuGen machine. For details, see Record a Vuser Script in the VuGen Help Center.

IP Wizard

The IP Wizard does not function for a Limited user.

Resolution: Run the IP Wizard with administrator permissions. The IP Wizard uses raw sockets to communicate with remote machines. Therefore, administrative privileges are required for opening and using raw sockets in socket-based communication. For more information, see TCP/IP raw sockets in the Microsoft documentation,. Alternatively, you can set the IP Wizard settings locally on the target machine.

Load generator on Linux

The network settings for load generators on Linux machines cannot be configured by a standard (non-administrator) user account.

Resolution: When working on a Linux operating system, run lr_agent_settings with administrator permissions.

Trusted sites

When opening an OpenText site in the embedded browser, if the site is not included in the trusted sites list, you may be prompted to add the site to the trusted site list. After adding the site, you might receive a Web site scripting error.

Resolution: Close the error and continue working as you normally would.

  • When McAfee On-Access file scan is enabled, it may block/revert some of the file-writing operations performed during code generation, particularly when asynchronous communications have been detected. As a result, the content of some of the script actions may be lost; these actions will be empty instead of containing the required generated Async code.

    Resolution: Exclude OpenText Professional Performance Engineering files from the scan.

  • When McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention (HIP) is enabled, a crash may occur while recording a web-based protocol script, including Java over HTTP, especially if the current user account is a limited account (non-admin). In addition, you may experience browser malfunctions, even when working with a full-privileged user account.

  • McAfee's anti-virus application blocks port 443, which is the default port for the OpenText Professional Performance Engineering Agent.

    Resolution: Manually enable this port. To enable the port, open the McAfee Configuration dialog box. In the Firewall Policy tab, add a new rule to allow Port 443 - Action: Permit IP: TCP, Incoming traffic for the OpenText Professional Performance Engineering Agent Process.

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VuGen and protocols

The following describes some general known issues when working with VuGen and VuGen protocols.

DevWeb From version 2020, the TruWeb protocol is renamed to DevWeb. When running Vusers for DevWeb/TruWeb scripts in OpenText Professional Performance Engineering, they consume license capacity as part of your community license, or protocol license for Web - HTTP/HTML.
Recording When recording, if Microsoft User Experience Virtualization (UE-V) or Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) is enabled, it might block the recording (hooking) mechanism and cause recording to fail.
  • SSL2 is no longer supported.
  • When recording a script, some applications may be unable to connect to a server using SSL. Errors such as "Invalid certificate" and "SSL Handshake Failed" may appear. This is because VuGen now uses SHA-256-signed certificates for recording of SSL-encrypted communication instead of the older SHA-1-signed certificates.

    Resolution: Instruct VuGen to use SHA-1-signed certificates, as follows:

    1. Add the following lines to <installdir>\config\vugen.ini:

      • [WebRecorder]
      • ProxyCertificateHash=sha1
    2. Delete the following files from <installdir>\bin\certs\:

      • wplusCA_Expiration_2022.crt
      • wplusCAOnly_Expiration_2022.crt
      • wplusCert_Expiration_2022.crt
    3. Restart VuGen and record the application again.
Proxy settings
  • When working in VuGen with a DevWeb script, some components may hang, and not be able to download the content. This includes components such as Recording Options, Parameters dialog, Snapshots Viewer, and the script uploader

    Resolution: Change the Local Area Network (LAN) proxy server settings on your machine: If you have set up your machine to Use a proxy server for your LAN, make sure the option to Bypass proxy server for local addresses is also selected.

  • In some cases, when you use the proxy to record a local application, the proxy settings are not automatically restored to their original values after the recording session. This can prevent your computer from accessing local and external Internet sites.

    Resolution: In your browser, manually reset the proxy settings.

  • If the proxy settings are incorrect, this can greatly increase the load time for the Runtime Settings.

    Resolution: Make sure all proxy and connection related settings are correct. Alternatively, use a direct connection.

Creating scenarios When you use VuGen to create a scenario, if Controller is open (and was opened by double-clicking a .lrs scenario file), you are not given the option to add the script to the current scenario, and Controller will be closed, losing any unsaved changes.
DFE Data Format Extensions (DFEs) are supported on Windows operating systems only.
Replay - JSON Parsing a long JSON in the Replay log, or a JSON file containing a long line, may cause a short delay when scrolling in the Replay log.
  • When you run a Java protocol script, the replay status may be Script Not Run and some errors may appear in the mdrv.log file. However, due to Java internal architecture, these errors may not be included in the VuGen Output and Errors panes. This occurs when VuGen fails to initialize a Java Vuser, and JVM then terminates the replay process.

    Resolution: Look for errors directly in the mdrv.log file (you can find this in the script’s folder). If the entry in the log is due to a memory-related issue, try using different memory options for Java in the runtime settings.

  • Java-based technologies are not yet supported by Microsoft Edge. Therefore, we do not recommend selecting this browser emulation for the replay of Java-based protocols (Java over HTTP, Oracle NCA).
  • Java includes parameters to define the maximum metaspace/heap size, and the commit size (reserved memory), that are used for Java processes. You can view the values for these parameters by running the command: java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal

    To avoid issues, note the following:

    • The maximum metaspace size is calculated considering the actual memory capacity of the machine. For example, for Java 1.8, the size is calculated as 25% of the possible maximum value. We recommend that you increase the calculated value for better performance.

    • The commit size is greater than the memory that is actually used, and it scales with the maximum heap size (Xmx). We recommend to decrease the commit value, so that more Java processes can be opened on the machine without running out of memory.

    You can change the maximum metaspace and commit size values by adding arguments to the Java command line. In the Runtime Settings, add this value:
    -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=34359214080 -Xms10m -Xmx110m

    The maximum value (Xmx) should be determined after running the script and looking at the Java memory consumption.


If your JavaScript language script runs slow in VuGen, disable the debugging option: In the Internet Protocol runtime settings, open the Preferences view and locate the JavaScript section. Clear the Enable JavaScript debugging mode option.

For details, see Preferences view - Internet protocol.

C Vuser scripts 64-bit replay for C Vuser scripts is not supported on Linux-based load generators.
  • Web Page Diagnostics are not supported for scripts using HTTP/2 protocol. Deactivate Web Page Diagnostics in the Controller > Diagnostics > Configuration > Diagnostics Distribution dialog box.
  • Uploading a buffer (request body) larger than 64 KB is not supported for scripts using HTTP/2 protocol.
  • When replaying scripts using HTTP/2 protocol, WebSocket-related APIs (for example, web_websocket_connect) still use HTTP/1.1.


Runtime errors generated during the replay of VBScript scripts may not be handled properly. It is recommended that you port existing VBScript scripts to C.

Possible resolution: Enable the Continue on Error option in the Runtime settings.

Conditional breakpoints When adding a conditional breakpoint based on a parameter value, the value is not updated immediately. Therefore, in the script step that follows, the condition may be ignored even though the argument value has been updated.

When you stop a named VTS instance, the instance may continue to run until you restart the VTS Windows service, which will block you from creating an instance with the same name or port.

Resolution: Restart the VTSService Windows service. For example, use the “net stop vtsservice” to stop the service, and “net start vtsservice” to restart it.

WinInet replay

When using the WinInet replay engine, you may encounter the following error: "HttpSendRequest" failed, Windows error code=12002.
This HttpSendRequest timeout occurs when a transaction takes more than 30 seconds (default timeout setting) to connect to the server.

Resolution: Change the default timeout setting for the WinInet replay engine. In the Registry Editor, open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings and change the default time (30 seconds) to 180 seconds:



Git integration

When connecting to GitHub from VuGen on a corporate machine that requires a proxy, the connection might not work correctly.

Resolution: Try to define Git proxy, and run VuGen as administrator.

Runtime Settings In the Runtime Settings user interface, the Import, Export, and Search buttons have been temporarily removed. They will be restored in a future version.

If you install or upgrade a JVM while VuGen is open, you need to restart VuGen before continuing to record or develop a script.

Resolution: Add an entry "about:internet" to the Trusted Sites in the browser.

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Controller and load generators

The following describes some general known issues when working with Controller and load generators.

Running scenarios When using Controller with MI Listener, and Network Virtualization is enabled, you may encounter the following issues:
  • When you start a scenario, the first batch of Vusers go directly from pending to stopped. All other Vusers run as expected.

  • When you stop a scenario, all Vusers are stopped, and the Start Scenario button is enabled for 1 second then returns to disabled, and stays disabled.

  • Resolution: Delete the first Vuser, the Start Scenario button then reverts to enabled.

High definition display Controller is not supported on display monitors with 4K or higher resolution (UHD).
SiteScope monitor

When using the SiteScope monitor, you cannot change the counters already saved with the scenario.

Resolution: Remove all existing SiteScope counters, close the dialog box and re-add them.

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Network Virtualization and Service Virtualization

NV on Linux As of version 2023, Network Virtualization is no longer supported on Linux load generators.
NV installation
  • The Setup wizard prompts you to install Network Virtualization at the conclusion of the installation. If you did not install the component as part of the overall installation, you can run the Network Virtualization installation manually at any time.
  • When installing Network Virtualization on Windows in custom mode, you must manually reboot the machine at the end of installation.
NV Licensing

Network Virtualization usage is included with the OpenText Professional Performance Engineering protocol licenses; network emulation and NV Insights do not require any additional license purchase.

NV Virtual Locations

Analysis Summary reports and NV Insights show None as the Virtual Location name, even though no groups with this name were defined in a scenario.

Resolution: See this knowledge base article: Analysis Summary reports and NV Insights show “None” as the Virtual Location name.

SV and SSL

If a Service Virtualization server uses credentials for both SSL and monitors, then the Service Virtualization project cannot be correctly imported to a scenario.

Resolution: Configure the Service Virtualization server to use credentials only for SSL.

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OpenText Application Quality Management

When integrating with OpenText Application Quality Management, if you have a slow connection this may be because the machine does not have access to the WAN, and so cannot verify the digital signature of the relevant files.  

Resolution: Download and import the certificates from the GlobalSign Root Certificates site using certmgr MMC until the issue is resolved (you might not need to import all the certificates).

Scaling and zoom Changing the display settings, to reset the display scale and zoom, is not supported for any components.

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Non-English operating systems

Language pack installation

If you install a language pack after you have already generated an Analysis session, you will not be able to open the session file (.lra). You can only open it on a machine with the same regional settings as the machine upon which it was generated. You can, however, open the raw results, the .lrr file.

Untranslated items

On non-English operating systems, several components may contain untranslated items, such as the Print Preview page in VuGen, log files, and installation screens.

Chinese OS

VuGen cannot record a Vuser script for certain protocols if installed on a Chinese operating system, and the installation path contains Chinese characters.

Path names Path names cannot be in multi-byte format.
System locale

Controller decodes and displays strings in the script based on the selected system locale on the machine (defined in the Region Settings). For transaction names to be displayed properly, the script encoding must correspond with the system locale on the machine.

Alternatively, instead of modifying the system locale, you can do one of the following:

  • When recording a .NET script on non-English operating systems with McAfee anti-virus active, it may issue the following message "The solution has been changed externally".

    Resolution:: Add the vugen.exe process to the Low-Risk processes in the McAfee antivirus On-Access Scan Properties.

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    IE ESC

    When components are installed on a Windows Server operating system, Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration (IE ESC) must be disabled in order to view Help Center content. It is enabled by default.

    Resolution: In Windows 2016 or 2019 select Server Manager > Local Server > Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration.

    Trusted domains

    On certain machines with high level security settings, you need to trust the domain (,, in order to view the Help Center.

    Resolution: Open the Help Center in IE or Edge, and accept the site as a trusted domain. Then you will be able to use the context sensitive and menu help from the product.

    Help link gives 404

    If a help link results in a 404 (page not found) error, try the following:

    • On the 404 page, click Home Page to access the home page for the latest help, then select the relevant version from the version dropdown list.
    • If the link was saved from a previous version, try replacing the version number in the URL with latest. For example, change:


    Online help access

    If the online help center is unavailable at the start of an OpenText Professional Performance Engineering application session (for example, because internet access is down), this can cause the Open Online option to remain disabled during the whole session with that application.


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    See also: