Scripting tools

The following table lists the tools you can use to create scripts for your load tests.

For details on supported versions, see Support Matrix.

Script tool Description  Supported protocols Vuser Type

OpenText Virtual User Generator

OpenText Virtual User Generator (VuGen) is a tool to record web-based applications on the transport level.

For further details on protocols, see VuGen Protocols in the OpenText Virtual User Generator Help Center.

General notes and limitations:

When running a load test on load generators in the cloud, you can add host names contained in your load test scenario to the load generators that are uploaded. You do this by creating a text file containing the host names and IP addresses, and including the file with each VuGen script's zip file. For more details, see Add hosts to a cloud-based load generator.

Java protocol notes and limitations:

  • On load generators in the cloud, the JDK version is OpenJDK 11.0.10.

  • If you are running a Java script with on-premises load generators, you must manually install the JDK (recommended version is OpenJDK 11).

  • If you are running a Java script on the cloud, OpenText Core Performance Engineering ignores the following runtime settings:

    • The specified JDK

    • Classpath

  • If the Java script has dependencies or requires additional .jar files, include them in the root folder of the script .zip file.

For details on how to add Extra Files, see the Solution Explorer pane in the OpenText Virtual User Generator Help Center.

  • Mobile Application - HTTP/HTML
  • Web Services
  • MQTT

Web Vuser

OpenText Virtual User Generator - ERP

Use OpenText Virtual User Generator to record scripts on supported Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) protocols.

Note: SAP GUI protocol scripts can only run on on-premises load generators.


  • SAP - Web
  • Oracle NCA

  • Oracle - Web

  • Siebel Web


    • Siebel Web is supported only on cloud and Windows on-premises load generators.
    • You must add the ssdtcorr.dll file to the script. For details on Siebel correlation, see the OpenText Virtual User Generator Help Center.
ERP Vuser
OpenText Virtual User Generator - legacy

Use VuGen to record scripts on supported legacy protocols.

Legacy protocol scripts can only run on on-premises load generators.

  • Citrix ICA

  • .NET

  • ODBC

  • RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)

  • RTE (Remote Terminal Emulator)

  • Windows Sockets

Legacy Vuser
OpenText Performance Engineering for Developers

OpenText Performance Engineering for Developers is a tool for web protocol performance and load testing. You can use it to create and run DevWeb protocol scripts, with the focus on communication at the HTTP transport level and over WebSocket.

For details on OpenText Performance Engineering for Developers, see the OpenText Performance Engineering for Developers Help Center.

DevWeb Web Vuser
OpenText TruClient

OpenText TruClient is a tool for recording web-based applications as you perform your business process.

For details on supported browsers in OpenText TruClient , see the OpenText Virtual User Generator Help Center.

The following TruClient scripts are no longer supported:

  • Scripts created with the TruClient Firefox .xpi extension.

  • Scripts created with TruClient standalone.

  • Scripts created with Internet Explorer.

Note: For details on supported browsers

  • TruClient - Native Mobile

  • TruClient - Mobile Web

  • TruClient - Web

  • TruClient 2.0 - Web

GUI Vuser

OpenText TruAPI
  • OpenText TruAPI is an innovative scripting tool based on node.js.
  • OpenText TruAPI enables you to create JavaScript-based Vuser scripts and provides an API for handling transactions, think time, logging, and HTTP handling.
  • OpenText TruAPI scripts can be packaged and uploaded to OpenText Core Performance Engineering and added to a test definition.

For details, see TruAPI.

None Web Vuser

Apache JMeter is an open source performance testing tool.

  • Hits per second and Throughput graphs in test results are only available for JMeter scripts that use HTTP Request Sampler.
  • Upload a JMeter script to OpenText Core Performance Engineering in .zip format.
  • Include only one .jmx file in the root folder of the .zip file.

    If the JMeter script has dependencies on third-party plugins, you can include them in the lib/ext sub folder of the .zip file.

    If the JMeter script has dependencies on external .jar files (for example, JDBC drivers), you can include them in the lib sub folder of the .zip file.

    Other dependent files, for example, a *.csv file for parametrization, and folders can be added into the .zip file.

  • When you add a JMeter script that contains multiple enabled thread groups to a load test, a duplicate script is created for each enabled thread group. The script name comprises <script name> (<thread group name>). For example, for a JMeter script called multi_thread_groups that contains three thread groups called apache jmeter home, nodejs doc, and nodejs blog, the following scripts are created and added to a load test: multi_thread_groups (apache jmeter home), multi_thread_groups (nodejs doc), multi_thread_groups (nodejs blog).

    Note: When reloading a JMeter script that contains multiple enabled thread groups, additions or deletions of thread groups in the script are not automatically reflected in OpenText Core Performance Engineering. This means that for thread groups that have been added to the reloaded script, new scripts are not created for load tests in OpenText Core Performance Engineering and for thread groups that have been removed from the reloaded script, scripts are not deleted from load tests in OpenText Core Performance Engineering. You must add or delete such scripts manually and until you do so, a warning is displayed for the relevant load test and the Run Test button is inactive.

  • To report transaction data, use the JMeter Transaction Controller to enclose relevant test steps.

  • If you are running this script type with on-premises load generators, you need to install a JDK (recommended 64-bit OpenJDK 11).

  • Open Model Thread Group and third-party JMeter plugins related to scheduling or threads are not supported.


  • We recommend using the latest supported version of JMeter to create your scripts. For details on supported versions, see Support Matrix.

  • We recommend that your JMeter script only defines the steps for a single Vuser and uses a single thread group.


Dev Vuser


Gatling is an open source performance testing tool.

  • Gatling scripts (in Scala) that use HTTP requests are supported.
  • Gatling scripts must be uploaded in .zip format.
  • If there are multiple Gatling scenarios in a simulation, only the first scenario is run.
  • If you are running this script type with on-premises load generators, you need to install JDK (recommended 64-bit OpenJDK 11).

For details, see Gatling script integration.


Dev Vuser


Selenium is an open source performance testing tool.

  • Selenium scripts that use the JUnit testing framework (version 4.13.2) or Mocha (version 10.4.0) are supported.

  • You can only run Selenium scripts on cloud-based load generators and Windows on-premises load generators (version 2023.03 or later).

  • If you are running Selenium scripts on a Windows on-premises load generator, you need to install JDK (64-bit OpenJDK 11+), Google Chrome, and the ChromeDriver matching the browser version.

  • Selenium scripts must be uploaded in .zip format (for Junit) or .tgz format (for Mocha).

  • Metrics for Throughput and Hits per Second are not supported.

  • Taking snapshots on error is not supported.

For details, see Selenium scripts.

None GUI Vuser

Localized script support

Scripts written in non-Latin alphabets are supported. However, you still must use Latin characters for file and folder names.

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