Load generator assets

This topic describes how to add on-premises load generators to your load test.

Add and edit on-premises load generators

On-premises load generators are ideal for running load tests on applications that cannot be accessed from behind your firewall.

Only load generators that were added to the project's assets are available. For details, see Load generator management.

To create, edit, or delete a load generator, select Assets > Load Generators and do one of the following.

Action Task
  1. Click the Create button Create button to open the New Load Generator dialog box.
  2. Give the new load generator a meaningful name and description.

  3. Select the relevant operating system.

  4. Set the maximum number of Vusers for each supported protocol. Default values are displayed.

  5. Click Save.

    A key is generated for the load generator and is displayed in the details.


You can edit on-premises load generator settings to rename it, activate or deactivate Vuser log collection, or adjust the number of maximum Vusers per protocol.

  1. In Assets > Load Generators, select one load generator.
  2. Click the Edit button Edit button.
  3. Update the load generator's details:

    • Use the Enable Vuser Logs Collection switch to activate or deactivate the collection of Vuser logs during a load test. This option is only available if Collect Vuser logs from on-premises load generators is selected in the General options. For details, see Data and logs.

    • Adjust the maximum number of Vuser for each protocol. These settings may be relevant if you experience an overload on your on-premises load generator, or if alerts were issued. For details, see LG alerts.


Click the Delete button Delete button to delete the selected load generators. The deleted load generators are detached from all load tests in which they were included, and are then deleted entirely.

Note: The Delete option is only available when Tenant management is not enabled for your tenant.


Click the Remove button Delete button to remove the selected load generators from the current project. The load generators are detached from all load tests in the current project in which they are included, and are then removed from the current project.

The removed load generators are still available for other projects. You can add them back to the current project from the Tenant management area.

Note: The Remove option is only available when Tenant management is enabled for your tenant.


Click the Refresh button Reload button to update the view of the on-premises load generator grid. This is useful for checking a load generator's current connectivity status. For example, if a load generator was temporarily unavailable, click Refresh and view the Status column to check its availability.

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Validate on-premises load generators

You can validate an on-premises load generator and up to three target scripts before running them in a load test, and see the Vuser logs in real time.

To validate on-premises load generators:

  1. In Assets > Load Generators, select a load generator to validate. The load generator must be Connected.

  2. Click the Validate button Validate button to open the Validate load generator dialog box.

  3. Select up to three scripts to run on the selected load generator, and the number of iterations to run: 1, 3, or 5.

    If you need to select scripts, click the Add scripts button Add scripts button to add scripts from assets.

    Note:  The validation option is available with a single Virtual user in Iterations run mode only.

  4. Click the Validate button Validate button to start the validation process. Each script has a separate tab showing the real time Vusers logs.

    • During the validation process, the load generator is marked as Running, and no other load tests or validations can use this load generator.

    • To close the dialog box and run the validation in the background, click Close. You can return to the logs view at any time by clicking the Validate button Validate button.

    • To stop the validation process, click Stop. Logs that were captured until the validation was stopped are available by clicking Show last validation.

    • Logs of the last validation only are kept. To view the logs, click Show last validation. This is available for each load generator in a project.

Notes and limitations

The following are notes and limitations when using on-premises load generator validation.

Limitation Notes
Supported versions

This feature is only available for on-premises load generator versions 24.1 and later.

Unsupported scripts

On-premises load generator validation does not support the following scripts:

  • Gatling

  • JMeter

  • OpenText Performance Engineering for Developers

  • TruAPI

  • Selenium

Log size

By default, the Vuser log size limit for each validation run is 50 MB. Log files that exceed this limit are not saved or displayed.

OPLG status

If a load generator is disconnected when validating, its status might be stuck in Running status after reconnection.

Resolution: In the Validate load generator dialog box, click Stop to reset its status.

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Older versions of on-premises load generators

For best results, use an on-premises load generator of the same version as your current tenant.

Beginning with OPLG version 2021.04, unsupported on-premises load generators are automatically disconnected.

OpenText Core Performance Engineering supports up to two versions back. For details about supported versions, see Support Matrix.

  • An old, but supported version, is indicated by a Warning icon Warning icon.

  • An old, and no longer supported version is indicated by an Error icon Error icon.

For information about downloading and installing a newer version, see Update an OPLG.

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