Attachments tab

The Add Attachments tab enables you to attach files and URLs to LoadRunner Enterprise tests and scripts.

To access:

  1. From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and select Test Management (under Testing).

  2. Select a test in the test management tree and click the Attachments tab.

User interface:

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


Add Attachment

Opens the Open dialog box, enabling you to add a file attachment to a LoadRunner Enterprise test or script. After adding an attachment, you can add a description by clicking the Description field in the Attachments grid, and enter a description.

Tip: To add an email as an attachment to a test or script, save the email on your desktop and then use the Open dialog box to add it.


Opens the Add URL dialog box, enabling you to add a URL to a LoadRunner Enterprise test or script.

  • Name. The URL name.

  • URL. The URL you want to attach to the LoadRunner Enterprise test or script. You can attach any valid URL scheme such as HTTP, FTP, Gopher, News, Mailto, or File.

  • Description. Description of the URL. After attaching a URL, you can add or edit the description by clicking the Description field in the Attachments grid, and modify the description as required.

Delete Attachment. Deletes the selected attachment. To select more than one attachment, use the Ctrl key.

Name The attachment name.
Last Modified The date that the attachment was last modified.
Description Describes the attachment. Click in the text box to add or edit the description.
File Size

The size of the attachment.

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