Manage dockerized images

This section describes how to deploy dockerized LoadRunner Enterprise images and update the default image.

Deploy dockerized load generator images

Dockerized load generator images are available in the Docker repository.

You can pull Docker images from the page in the Docker hub, using the following commands:

Environment Command

docker pull performancetesting/load_generator_linux:<tag version number>

Example: docker pull performancetesting/load_generator_linux:20.01


docker pull performancetesting/load_generator_windows:<tag version number>

Example: docker pull performancetesting/load_generator_windows:20.01

For full instructions on deploying and running a dockerized host, see the LoadRunner Enterprise Installation Guide.

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Deploy LoadRunner Enterprise as a fully containerized environment

Note: This feature is available in LoadRunner Enterprise 2020 SP1 and later, and provided as a tech preview version.

You can perform a fully containerized LoadRunner Enterprise deployment by installing the LoadRunner Enterprise Server, Controller, and load generator images on a Docker machine. In addition, you need to deploy an image for your database (this must be provided by your database administrator).

You can pull the LoadRunner Enterprise Server, Controller, and load generator images from the page in the Docker hub, using the following commands:

Image Command
LoadRunner Enterprise Server

docker pull performancetesting/lreserver:<tag version number>

Example: docker pull performancetesting/lreserver:20.01

Controller (data processor)

docker pull performancetesting/host:<tag version number>

Example: docker pull performancetesting/host:20.01

Note: You cannot utilize a Controller image as a load generator because there will be a ports conflict with the load generator image, and the load generator ports for the Controller image will be closed.

Load Generator

See Deploy dockerized load generator images above.

For full instructions on deploying and running a dockerized host, see the LoadRunner Enterprise Installation Guide.

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Update the default image

If you have upgraded from LoadRunner Enterprise 2020 to 2020 SP1, you can change the default image tag to the 2020 SP1 dockerized image.

  1. On the LoadRunner Enterprise server, open pcs.config (located in <LR Enterprise server installation directory>\dat\).

  2. Change the values under ElasticProvisionSettings as follows:

    <ElasticProvisionSettings DefaultDockerImageVersion="20.01"
     CloudProvisionTimeoutInSeconds="900" />
  3. Restart the LoadRunner Backend Service.

  4. Confirm your default images are tagged as 20.01 in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration under Orchestration > Docker Images.

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