Host templates

This section describes how to use templates to provision your elastic cloud-based hosts.

Host templates overview

Host templates are used for defining provisioning-related details, such as instance types, regions, hardware specifications, and software images. You create your own templates, and LoadRunner Enterprise uses the details of the selected template to provision your host.

All cloud hosts are provisioned from host templates. When you provision a host, LoadRunner Enterprise copies the details of the template into the provisioned host.

By default, LoadRunner Enterprise creates host templates for each Amazon EC2 cloud account. The templates can use predefined Micro Focus images or custom images and the recommended hardware settings (defined by instance type) for the load generator machine. When using the host templates, the administrator can control and manage which machine's specifications are allowed and recommended for use.

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Considerations when creating a host template

When creating host templates, make sure to:

  • Create a template for each host configuration that your testers will need. Testers can only provision cloud hosts from existing templates.

  • Clearly describe the type of host that is provisioned by each template so that testers can provision exactly the hosts they need.

Create an elastic cloud host template

This task describes how to create a cloud host template in LoadRunner Enterprise.

  1. Prerequisites

    To add a host template to LoadRunner Enterprise, you must have added at least one cloud account. For details, see Cloud accounts.

  2. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Configuration > Cloud.

  3. Select the Host Templates tab, and then click Add Host Template.

  4. In the New Host Template dialog box, enter a name and description that clearly describe the type of host that is provisioned by the template so that testers can provision exactly the hosts they need.

    LoadRunner Enterprise automatically generates and ID for the host template at the time the template is created.

  5. Enter the following details for the new host template:

    UI Element Description
    Cloud Account The cloud account for which the template provisions a host.

    The installation type of the host. The following types are available:

    • Unix Load Generator. Indicates that this Unix host is used as a Load Generator for performance tests.

    • Windows Standalone LG. Indicates that this Windows host is used as a standalone Load Generator for performance tests.

    Note: Make sure you select the correct installation type for the image. Incorrect settings will cause the performance tests to run incorrectly.

    Location In Amazon EC2 , the region where the hosts are provisioned.

    The software image used for cloud hosts provisioned from the template. Machine images are managed on the website of your cloud provider, and are accessed automatically when creating host templates.

    Note: If the image value cannot be displayed, verify that you used the correct cloud account number.


    Instance Type

    The hardware specs of cloud hosts provisioned from the template. Instance types can be viewed on the website of your cloud provider, and are accessed automatically when creating host templates.

    Note: While Amazon lists EC2 F1 instances for Windows, they are available for Linux/Unix operating systems only.

    Security Group

    Select a security group that allows the necessary access to your testing hosts. Security group specifies which inbound and outbound connections are permitted from the hosts, such as port 80 (HTTP) or port 3389 (RDP). Security groups are configured on your cloud provider's website, and must be created separately for each location. Only security groups configured for your selected location are displayed. For details, see Initial cloud settings overview.

    Key Pair

    Select a key pair for which you have the private key. Key pair is used to generate the administrator password for Windows machines and to log in to Linux machines. Key pair is only relevant if you plan to remotely connect to your cloud hosts.

    Key pairs are managed on your cloud provider's website, and must be created separately for each location. Only key pairs configured for your selected location are displayed. For more details on key pairs, see Initial cloud settings overview.

    Note: You must have at least one keypair in order to provision a host.

    Use Elastic IP Addresses

    If you defined a pool of predefined IP addresses with your cloud provider, select this option to use those predefined static IP addresses to provisioninig your host. For more details on elastic IP addresses, see Initial cloud settings overview.

    VPC Subnet Id ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) subnet.
  6. Click Save. The host template is created.

    Your new host template can now be used to provision cloud hosts.

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Export host template details to an Excel file

To export information from the host template grid to an Excel file, click . Data from the grid is saved to an Excel file and downloaded to the Downloads folder of the client user.

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Modify host template details

To modify details for a host template:

  1. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Configuration > Cloud.

  2. In the Host Templates tab, select a template from the Host Templates list (click the link in the Template Name column). The Host Template details page opens.

  3. Make any necessary changes and click OK. For details, see Host Template details.

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Delete host templates

To delete a host template:

  1. Prerequisites

    Before deleting host templates, make sure there are no assigned projects with tests using the templates (deleting a host template that is used by a test will cause the test to fail).

  2. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Configuration > Cloud.

  3. In the Host Templates tab, select the host templates that you want to delete, and click Delete.

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