Remove and restore projects in LoadRunner Enterprise

This topic describes how to remove and restore project in LoadRunner Enterprise.

About removing and restoring projects

You can remove a project from the Projects list. This does not delete the database nor the project repository from the server and you can restore the project if necessary. When you remove a project, LoadRunner Enterprise creates a dbid.json file containing different properties related to this project which can be used later to restore the project (this file is also created at the root of the project repository and downloaded to the client user).

You can also restore access to a project that is not in your current Projects list. For example, you may want to access a project from another server. After you restore access to a project, it is added to the Projects list in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.


  • Before restoring the project, make sure that the database where the project resides exists in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration (Servers > DB Server tab) on your LoadRunner Enterprise server. The LoadRunner Enterprise server needs to access the contents of the restored project from the project's database. For details, see Migrate projects to LoadRunner Enterprise.

  • When restoring a project, you should select the dbid.json file located in the project repository. This ensures that the project retains its original Project UID. If a project does not have its original Project UID, for example if it was duplicated or the Project UID was changed, its corresponding Lab data (runs, timeslots, and so forth) is not associated with the project.

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Remove a project

This task describes how to remove a project from the Projects list.

Note: Only one project can be removed at a time.

  1. On the LoadRunner Enterprise Administration sidebar, select Management > Projects.

  2. Select the project you want to delete from the Projects list, and click Remove Project. If there are active users connected to the project, you are prompted to disconnect them.

  3. Click Remove to confirm.

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Restore access to a project

This task describes how to restore access to a project.

  1. On the LoadRunner Enterprise Administration sidebar, select Management > Projects.

  2. Click More > Restore Project. The Restore Project dialog box opens.

  3. Click the browse button to the right of the File Location box. The Open File dialog box opens.

  4. Locate the dbid.json file that includes the project that you want to restore. By default it is located in the root of the project directory that was removed (it might have also been downloaded to the Downloads folder of the client user that removed the project).

  5. Select the dbid.json file and click Open. The Restore Project dialog box opens and displays the selected file.

  6. Click Restore. The Restore Project dialog box closes and you can view the restored project in the Projects list.

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Differences in the dbid.json file when restoring projects from Performance Center or LoadRunner Enterprise

Details of what should be provided in the dbid.json file differ between Performance Center 12.6x and LoadRunner Enterprise 2020.x. For Performance Center 12.6x, there are differences in the ALM DatabaseConnectionString, the ALM repository path, and the ProjectVersion. Also pay attention to the double // or \\.

For Performance Center 12.6x:

Below are details of the dbid.json file when restoring projects from Performance Center 12.63, where the source 12.6x schema resides on an Oracle Database server.

"ProjectDirectory":"C:\\ProgramData\\Micro Focus\\ALM\\repository\\qc\\ORA_2\\PC_AUT_ORCL\\",
"ProjectIsActivated":"Y","ProjectType":"Standard","ProjectVersion":"v12x","ProjectDescription":"Created on 7/30/2018 9:57:02 AM","Name":"PC_AUT_ORCL","ID":11}

For LoadRunner Enterprise 2020.x:

Below are details of the dbid.json file when restoring projects from LoadRunner Enterprise 2020.x, where the schema resides on a Microsoft SQL server.

"ProjectIsActivated":"Y","ProjectType":"Standard","ProjectVersion":"v2020","ProjectDescription":"Project restored the 3/8/2020 9:57:33 PM.\r\nCreated on 7/30/2018 9:57:02 AM","Name":"PC_AUT_ORCL","ID":1073}

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See also: