Upload and run NUnit tests

This topic describes how to create and run NUnit tests from LoadRunner Enterprise.


  • The same version of NUnit Framework must be installed on the load generator and on the machine used for test creation (the one installed as NuGet package). If the versions are different, errors might occur during the test run.

  • Make sure that nunit.framework.dll resides in the same directory as the NUnit test.

  • Create an NUnit test, and save it on your file system.


    • The file path inside a script folder must not exceed 260 characters.

    • You will need to convert the test to a VuGen script before uploading it to LoadRunner Enterprise. Use the VuGen Script Converter to convert it to a Unit Test for .NET LoadRunner script (described in Run the test from LoadRunner Enterprise below).

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Develop an NUnit test using Visual Studio

Develop the NUnit test in Visual Studio using the LoadRunner Add-in for Developers. This requires:

  1. Installing the IDE for Dev add-in for your Microsoft Visual Studio version.

  2. Adding the LoadRunner API functions to your test.

For details, see Develop a Unit Test Using Visual Studio (NUnit test) in the LoadRunner Professional Help Center.

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Run the test from LoadRunner Enterprise

This task describes how to run NUnit tests from LoadRunner Enterprise.

  1. Download the VuGen Script Converter.

    This must be installed on a machine that has the same NUnit Framework installed as the one used when creating the NUnit test.

    1. From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and selectDownload Applications.

    2. Select VuGen Script Converter and click Download.

    3. Install the script converter and run VuGenScriptConverter.exe.

    Note: VuGen Script Converter can be run from LoadRunner Enterprise host machine. To do so, select Start > All Programs > Load Runner > Tools > VuGen Script Converter.

  2. Convert the test to a VuGen script.

    You can convert a test to a VuGen script using the script converter, or convert it automatically from a command prompt.

  3. Upload the converted VuGen script to LoadRunner Enterprise.

    1. From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and select Test Management.

    2. In the test management tree, select a folder in which you want to upload the script, and click the Upload Scripts button.

    3. Select the zip file created by the converter utility, and click Upload.

    For details, see Upload scripts.

  4. Create a test using the script.

    Assign as the load generator a machine that has NUnit and the relevant prerequisites installed on it.

    For details, see Design performance tests.

  5. Run the test.

    For details, see Run performance tests.

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