Create timeslot reservations

This section describes how to reserve timeslots for performance testing.

Create a timeslot

To learn more about timeslots, see Reserve timeslots.

  1. Prerequisites

    • Ensure that there is a host pool defined and allocated to the project. For details, see Manage host pools.

    • If you want to run a particular test during the timeslot, ensure that an instance of that test is included in a test set.

    • Make sure that at least one of the hosts in the host pool can be designated as a Controller, and that Host, Vuser, and Concurrent Run limits are defined in the project settings.

  2. Create a timeslot

    1. From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and select Resources > Timeslots.

    2. In the Timeslots module:

      • From the grid view, click Create Timeslot.

      • From the calendar view, right-click and select New Timeslot.

    3. Enter the details of the timeslot and select resources.

      UI Elements Description

      Choose the method for executing linked tests or test sets:

      • Manually. The timeslot reservation reserves testing resources only. You manually execute the linked test or test sets.

      • Automatically. The linked tests or test sets automatically start running at the start of the timeslot, without any manual intervention. Setting the test to start automatically enables autostart for the timeslot.

      • Recurrence. Opens the Timeslot Recurrence dialog box, enabling you to create recurring timeslot reservations. For details, see Create a recurring timeslot.


      A descriptive name for the timeslot.

      Test instance

      Link a performance test instance to the timeslot by selecting the test name and test set. By default, there is no linked test, and the selection is empty.

      You do not have to link a test to the timeslot. However, linking a test gives you the option of running the test automatically without your manual intervention.


      • While you can save a timeslot without a linked test, it must have at least one non-elastic load generator (automatch or specific) assigned to it.

      • If you make changes to the linked test (in the Performance Test Designer), the timeslot is updated automatically, and you do not need to relink the test manually. Bear in mind that changing a linked test might affect the validity of the timeslot.


      If you have a linked test, it displays the number of Vusers that are defined in the linked test, and any additional Vusers that you want to add during the test. You can add additional Vusers to the test by clicking the number field.

      The total number of linked and additional Vusers is displayed in the timeslot Summary tab.

      If you do not have a linked test, it displays the default number of Vusers in the test (10).


      • The sum of all Vusers reserved for the requested timeslot and other timeslots must not exceed the limits specified in the project settings, and must not exceed the number of Vusers specified in the license.

      • If you configure a timeslot for a Controller only, you cannot link it to a test.


      Displays the number of VUDs that are defined in the linked test.

      Note: The sum of all VUDs reserved for the requested timeslot and other timeslots must not exceed the limits specified in the project settings, and must not exceed the number of VUDs specified in the license.

      For details about VUDs, see Manage licenses.


      The duration of the timeslot, in hours and minutes.

      Note: A timeslot can be reserved for a minimum of 15 minutes and maximum of 480 hours (20 days).

      Start/End Time

      The date and time (in hours and minutes) that the timeslot starts and ends.


      Lists the hosts assigned to the test.

      Add Automatch LG

      Opens the Add Automatch Load Generators dialog box, enabling you to select automatch load generators with specific properties for the timeslot.

      • Reserve x Load Generators. The number of automatch load generators to reserve for the timeslot.

      • Location. Select a load generator location for the reserved load generators.

      • Host Attributes. Select attributes for the selected load generators. You can customize the list of attributes. For details, see Customize load generator attributes.

        Example: You want a Vuser group to use a load generator that is located in London and has medium strength and memory. Under Location, select London, and in the Host Attributes list, select Host memory: Medium and Host strength: Medium. At runtime, the system tries to assign a specific load generator with these properties to the Vuser group.

      Add Specific LG

      Opens the Add Specific Load Generator dialog box, enabling you to select specific load generators for the timeslot.

      • ID. The load generator ID.

      • Name/IP. The name or IP address of the load generator.

      • Purpose. The purpose of the load generator, that is, Controller, Load Generator, Data Processor, or a combination of these.

      • Location. The location of the load generator.

      • Status. The current state of the load generator: Operational, Non- Operational, or Unavailable.

      • Installation. The installation type of the host. The following types are available:

        • Unix Load Generator. Indicates that this Unix host is used as a load generator for performance tests.

        • Windows Host. Indicates that this Windows host can be used for performance purposes (Controller, Load Generator, or Data Processor).

        • Windows Standalone LG. Indicates that this Windows host is used as a standalone load generator for performance tests.

      • Attributes. The attributes for the load generator.


      Enables you to edit the selected request, except for hosts assigned to the linked test.

      • Selecting an automatch load generator opens the Add Automatch Load Generators dialog box. For details, see Add Automatch LG.

      • Selecting a specific load generator opens the Add Specific Load Generator dialog box. For details, see Add Specific LG.

      • Selecting a Controller opens the Select Controller dialog box.

        • Select a Controller for the timeslot: Automatch. Enables the system to allocate an available Controller for the timeslot. Specific. Enables you to select a specific controller for the timeslot.

        • Specific. Enables you to select a specific controller for the timeslot.

        • ID. The controller ID.

        • Name/IP. The name or IP address of the controller.

        • Location. The location of the controller.

        • Purpose. The purpose of the controller host, that is, Controller, Load Generator, Data Processor, or a combination of these.

        • Reserve as C + LG. Allows the selected host to serve both as a Controller and as a load generator (enabled when Specific is selected).

          Note: If you select a Controller host that has multiple purposes (Controller, Load Generator, and/or Data Processor), it is recommended to dedicate the host for Controller functionality, and not to select it for other functionality as well (such as to run Vusers), to avoid performance issues during runtime.


      Removes the selected load generators.

      Note: You can change the selected Controller, but you cannot delete it.

      Post run action

      The action to be taken when the test run is complete.

      If the system administrator has set the post-run action, the selected action will be set as the only option for all tests across the project, and you will not be able to change the setting.

      If the system administrator has not set the post-run action, select one of the following the actions:

      • Collate. When the run has finished, the run results are collected from all the load generators. This is recommended because collation of results takes only a few minutes, and can prevent loss of or inaccessibility to results in case any of your load generators becomes unavailable.

      • Collate and Analyze. When the run has finished, the run results are collected and analyzed. Data analysis requires some time, depending on the size of the results file. If there is no timeslot available to include the data analysis, then select the Collate option instead, and run late Analysis when a data processor becomes available. You run late Analysis from the Results tab.

      • None. Frees the machines immediately after the performance test ends. When the run has finished, the run results are left on the load generators. You can analyze the results at a later stage from the Results tab.


      • This feature controls the action performed immediately after the run ends. It does not prevent collating or analyzing results from the Test Runs page at a later time.

      • If you have reserved timeslots and the administrator subsequently changes the post-run action to one that conflicts with your post-run action setting, LoadRunner Enterprise will not enforce or modify the setting in these timeslots.

  3. Verify availability of requested resources

    Do one of the following:

    • (Recommended) Click Calculate Availability. The system checks the availability of the requested resources. The results of this calculation are displayed in the Timeslot Status tab and graphically on the resource availability timeline.

      If the timeslot cannot be reserved, consider the reasons displayed in the Timeslot Status tab when reselecting your resources. See the Pool and Project tab for pool details and project limits related to the timeslot.

    • Click Submit to save the timeslot. The system calculates the availability of the requested resources during the selected timeslot. If all of the resources are available, the Add New Timeslot dialog box closes and the timeslot is reserved and displayed in the Timeslots page. If the timeslot cannot be reserved, the reasons are displayed in the Timeslot Status tab.

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Create a recurring timeslot

A recurring timeslot repeats on a regular basis (for example, on a daily or weekly basis).

  1. Prerequisites

    Recurring timeslots must be enabled by the administrator in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration. For details, see Enable recurring timeslots.

  2. Create a recurring timeslot reservation

    1. Create a timeslot as described in Create a timeslot.

    2. After entering the details of a timeslot, click Recurrence to open the Timeslot Recurrence dialog box.

    3. Select the frequency — Daily, or Weekly — that you want the timeslot to recur, and then select the number of occurrences (between 2 and 30).

    4. Click OK.

  3. LoadRunner Enterprise generates a report showing the occurrences that were successfully created, and any that failed to be created due to a timeslot conflict.

    For any failed occurrences, you can adjust the start/end time, frequency, and occurrences of the recurring timeslot reservation, or manually create new timeslot reservations.

    When deleting a timeslot that belongs to a series of recurring timeslots, choose whether you want to delete the selected occurrence or the entire series.

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See also: