Service Virtualization dialog box

Note: The integration with Service Virtualization is supported in LoadRunner Enterprise 2020 only.

This dialog box provides integration with Service Virtualization designer. This integration allows you to test services with virtualized services instead of real-time services.

To access

Open Performance Test Designer. In the Groups & Workload view, select Advanced > Service Virtualization.

Important information

If you make changes to the services virtualization configuration during runtime, both the original and modified configurations are saved in the wlrun.log file on the Load Testing Server (LTS) machine.

For developers: Pointing calls to virtual services in the application under test cover two major scenarios:

  • Application components that use the service are embedded in the code or in a configuration file. In this case, you will need to update the code in the application under test or update the configuration file to point to the new URL.


    .NET Desktop application uses a web service, and the URL is set using a constant: stringURL =

    Service or back end component uses the web service and the URL is configured in the app.config file.

  • Service is consumed by accessing UDDI or some other registry component(Systinet) and the URL is retrieved at runtime. In this case, you will need to update the end point URL in UDDI/Systinet.
Relevant tasks

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element
Add Services
Opens the Add Services dialog box, allowing you to add Service Virtualization services from a project file or from a running SV server. For user interface details, see Add Services dialog box.

Removes the selected project or service from the list.

Note: Performance tests that are currently running the virtualized services in the deleted project keep running the virtualized services; Deleting the project unlocks the corresponding services so others can edit them.

Unlock Unlocks a locked service.
Undeploy Undeploys the selected service.
Check Deployment

Checks if the virtual service was deployed (started) on the virtualization server.

Indicates whether the service is deployed correctly on the specified server.

  • Status is unknown.

  • Successfully deployed.

  • Unsuccessfully deployed.

Under Messages, click More details, the Deployment Check Results dialog box opens. For user interface details, see Deployment Check Results dialog box.

Project Name The name of the Service Virtualization project containing the virtual service.
SV Server

The address of the SV server on which the selected service is deployed.


http:<server>:6080/management - for standalone SV servers

http:<server>:7080/management - for embedded SV servers (available only if the SV Designer is open)

Note when using a secured SV server (HTTPS): Make sure the CA certificate which signed the SV server certificate is installed on the Performance Center server and on the host which will be used as the Controller to the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities store of the computer account.

Server Credentials Opens the Server Credentials dialog box, which enables you to configure SV server credentials used for monitoring the SV servers and virtual services deployed on them. Credentials include server login and password. For user interface details, see Server Credentials dialog box.
<virtualized services>

A list of the virtualized services showing the following information:

  • Service Name. The name of the virtual service to use during performance test execution.
  • Simulate. When checked, includes the virtual service when executing the performance test. When cleared, the service switches to pass-through mode by the test.
  • Data Model. The data model to associate with the virtual service.
  • Performance Model. The performance model to associate with the virtual service.
  • Deployed. An indicator showing the deployment status of the virtual service:

    • . Status is unknown.

    • . Successfully deployed.

    • . Unsuccessfully deployed.

  • Service Log. Opens the Virtual Service Logs dialog box, enabling you to view the log of a selected service for the recurring entries. The log displays the time of the last occurrence.
  • Messages (Unique). The number of messages and unique messages passed through the virtual service during the current simulation session.

Displays messages about the virtual services, such as:

Last Deployment Check. Date on which the last deployment check occurred.

More details. Opens the Deployment Check Results dialog box, enabling you to determine if the services are deployed correctly on the SV server specified in the URL. For user interface details, see Deployment Check Results dialog box.

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