Assign Load Generators to Groups dialog box

This dialog box enables you to assign one or more load generators to multiple Vuser groups at once. You can also remove one or more load generators from multiple Vuser groups. For details on the different load generator types, see Load generator types.

To access:

  1. In the Performance Test Designer window, click Groups & Workload.

  2. In the Groups pane toolbar, click Assign LG.

Note: To select multiple groups or load generators, click a row and drag the mouse to highlight the groups or load generators you want to select. To select all groups or load generators in the column, select the check box next to the Name column heading, or press CTRL + A.

User interface:

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Elements


Groups pane

Enables you to select Vuser groups to which you can assign or remove load generators.

  • . Enables you to filter the load generators being displayed by name.

  • Name. The name of the Vuser group. To select all the Vuser groups, select the check box next to the column heading.

  • No. of Assigned LGs. The number of load generators assigned to the Vuser group. If a group has load generators assigned to it, click to display this list or to unassign load generators.

Load Generators Pane

Enables you to select load generators from the project's host pool to assign to the Vuser groups in the test, or to remove them from the Vuser groups.

  • . Enables you to filter the information being displayed in grid.

  • Name. The name of the load generator.

  • State. The state of the load generator: Operational, Non-operational.

    Assigned load generators must be operational during runtime.

  • Status. The current status of the load generator.

  • Location. The location of the load generator.

  • Purpose. The purpose of the load generator: Controller, Load Generator, Data Processor, or a combination of these.

    Note: Only the hosts in the pool with at least a Load Generator purpose are displayed.

  • No. of related groups. The number of Vuser groups to which the load generator is assigned. If a load generator has been assigned to groups, you can click to display the related groups list or to unassign groups.


Enables you to select automatch load generators to assign to Vuser groups in the test, to remove assigned automatch load generators from the Vuser groups, and to add more automatch load generators for the test.

  • . Click to add more automatch load generators for the test. Enter the number of load generators in the adjacent box, and click Add.

  • Name. The name of the automatch load generator. By default, these are named LG1, LG2, and so on. To select all load generators in the list, select the check box next to the column heading.

  • Properties. The properties by which the automatch load generator is matched up with a specific load generator in the host pool of the project at runtime.

    You can specify properties for an automatch load generator in the Load Generator Management dialog box (in the Performance Test Designer window, select Groups & Workload, and click LG Management in the Groups pane toolbar).

  • No. of related groups. The number of Vuser groups to which the load generator is assigned. If a load generator has been assigned to groups, you can click to display the related groups list or to unassign groups.

Elastic Cloud

Enables you to assign or unassign elastic cloud-based load generators to or from Vuser groups, and to add additional cloud load generators to the test. For details, see Provision elastic cloud load generators.

  • . Opens the Add New Elastic Cloud dialog box, enabling you to add more cloud load generators for the test. Select the load generators and the number of each that you want to add. You can filter the list of load generators displayed in the grid by account, location, size, and/or operating system.

    Click Add to add the selected load generators and close the dialog box, or Add & Another to add and keep the dialog box open enabling you to add additional cloud load generators.

  • . Click to unassign the selected cloud load generators.

  • Name. The name of the cloud load generator. By default, these are named CLOUD1, CLOUD2, and so on.

  • Template Name. Name of the cloud load generator template.

  • OS. Operating system of the cloud load generator.

  • Location. Geographic location (region) of the cloud load generator.

  • Account. Name of the cloud provider.

  • Size. The hardware configuration of the machine from which the load generator is provisioned. This will impact the storage and memory.

Elastic Docker

Enables you to assign or unassign elastic dockerized load generators to or from Vuser groups, and to add additional dockerized load generators to the test. For more on elastic dockerized load generators, see Configure elastic dockerized hosts.

  • . Click to add more dockerized load generators for the test. Enter the number of load generators in the adjacent box, and click Add.

  • Memory/CPU Limit. Specify how much of the available memory (in gigabytes) and CPU resources a container can use during a performance test run.

    Note: If resource limits are set by your LoadRunner Enterprise administrator (in Set up elastic dockerized hosts on Windows or Linux containers), you cannot enter values that exceed these limits. If you leave these fields empty, the administrator's limits (if set) are used. If the administrator reduces the project limits to a value below after you have configured your settings, your settings are automatically reset to the new limits.

  • Image Type. Select which load generator image to use for the test. The images assigned to the project are determined by the administrator (in Deploy and manage Docker host images).

  • Name. The name of the elastic dockerized load generator. By default, these are named DOCKER1, DOCKER2, and so on.

  • No. of related groups. The number of Vuser groups to which the load generator is assigned. If a load generator has been assigned to groups, you can click to display the related groups list or to unassign groups.

Preview. Opens the Preview window, and displays details of all the load generator assignments (load generator name, type, Vuser group).


Assigns the selected load generators to the selected Vuser groups.

Note: Available only when at least one unassigned load generator and one group have been selected.


Removes the selected load generators from the selected Vuser groups.

Note: Available only when at least one assigned load generator and one group have been selected.

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See also: