Create New Performance Application Lifecycle Report dialog box

This dialog box enables you to create PAL reports.

To access

  1. From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and select PAL (under Applications).

  2. In the Reports tab, click .

Relevant tasks

Run performance tests

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


General Details Area

The name of the report.


A description of the report.

Application Area
Select an application to base the report upon

List the available applications.

Template Area

Based on BSM Production Info

A report based on Micro Focus Business Service Management (BSM). This template displays the following preconfigured PAL report views:

  • Workload Data

  • Performance Data

  • Distribution Data

  • Monitors Data
Based on BSM Production Info - Advanced

A report based on Micro Focus Business Service Management (BSM). This template displays the following preconfigured PAL report views:

  • Workload Data

  • Performance Data

  • Distribution Data

  • Monitors Data

  • Top 10 Hits, Top 10 Users and Workload Data

  • Top 10 Response Time and Performance Data

  • Top 10 Hits Percentage and Distribution Data

Based on non-BSM info (e.g., WebTrends)

A report based on on WebTrends and other non-BSM data sources. This template displays the following preconfigured PAL report views:

  • Workload Data

  • Performance Data

  • Distribution Data

Empty Provides only the basic layout for the report without the pre-configured PAL report views.
Description A description of the selected template.

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