Add Data dialog box

This dialog box enables you to add production data sets and performance test runs to the report. The added data is used for comparison and it is the basis for the performance test tuning process.

To access
  1. From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and select PAL (under Applications).

  2. In the Reports tab, click a report. The report opens as an additional tab on the LoadRunner Enterprise Dashboard. The PAL report view tabs are displayed.

  3. In the Data Sources tab, click or .

Production Tab

Enables you to select a production data set for the PAL report.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements



Enables you to filter the data sets displayed in the production grid.

Select one of the following options:

  • Only data sets linked to the report application. Displays data sets associated with PAL application defined in the selected report.

  • All. Displays all data sets regardless of a selected PAL application.

Refresh. Enables you to refresh the dialog box information.
Name The name of the data set.
ID The data set ID.
Date Uploaded The date the data set was uploaded.
Description The description of the data set.
Application The application associated with the data set.


Adds the selected production data set and test run results to the PAL report.

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Test Run Results Tab

Enables you to select a test run for the PAL report.

User interface elements are described below :

UI Elements


<Filter items>

Enables you to filter the results displayed in the run results grid. Includes the following options: Project, Test Set, and Test.

Refresh. Enables you to refresh the dialog box information.

The Run ID.

Run Name

The name of the test run.

Time Range

The duration of the test run that is selected.

Example: If a test run's overall duration is 30 minutes, and the time range is defined as 0-15 min, then only the first 15 minutes of the test run will be considered for trending.

Default: The whole test run in selected.

Time Range filter. Opens the Define Time Range dialog box, which enables you to change the defined time range within a test run for reporting purposes.

Select one of the following options:

  • Publish Complete Run. Makes all data collected from the beginning to the end of the test run available for the report.

  • Publish Part of Run. Makes only part of the test run available for the report. Select the desired part of the run by entering the start and end times in the Start time and End time boxes.

Exec Date

The date and time of the test run.


The duration (in minutes) of the test run.

Max Vusers

The maximum number of running Vusers during the test run.

Total Transactions Passed The total number of passed transactions during the test run.
Total Errors

The total number of errors during the test run.

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