Internet Protocol Preferences

You use the Internet Protocol Preferences runtime settings to control the Vusers in the following areas:

  • Image and Text Checks

  • Generating Web Performance Graphs

  • Advanced Web Runtime Options

  • Additional Options for Internet Preferences

This node is only available for specific protocols. When you open the Runtime Settings, only the relevant nodes will be displayed.

User interface:

The user interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description

Enable image and text checks. Allows the Vuser to perform verification checks during replay by executing the verification functions web_find or web_image_check. This option only applies to statements recorded in HTML-based mode. Vusers running with verification checks use more memory than Vusers that do not perform checks.

Default value: disabled.
Web Performance Graph Generation

Instructs a Vuser to collect data for Web Performance graphs. You view the Hits per Second, Pages per Second, and Response Bytes per Second (Throughput) graphs during test execution using the online monitors and after test execution using Analysis. You view the Component Breakdown graph after test execution using Analysis. Select the types of graph data for the Vuser to collect.

Note: If you do not use the Web performance graphs, disable these options to conserve memory.

  • Use WinINet replay instead of Sockets (Windows only). Instructs VuGen to use the WinINet replay engine instead of the standard Sockets replay. VuGen has two HTTP replay engines: Sockets-based (default) or WinINet based. The WinINet is the engine used by Internet Explorer and it supports all of the features incorporated into the IE browser. The limitations of the WinINet replay engine are that it is not scalable and does not support Linux. In addition, when working with threads, the WinINet engine does not accurately emulate the modem speed and number of connections. VuGen's proprietary sockets-based replay is a lighter engine that is scalable for performance testing. It is also accurate when working with threads. The limitation of the sockets-based engine is that it does not support SOCKS proxy. If you are recording in that type of environment, use the WinINet replay engine.

    Default value: disabled (socket-based replay engine).
  • Include File name and line in automatic transaction names. Creates unique transaction names for automatic transactions by adding file name and line number to the transaction name.

  • List non-critical resource errors as warnings. Returns a warning status for a function which failed on an item that is not critical for performance testing, such as an image or Java applet that failed to download. This option is enabled by default. If you want a certain warning to be considered an error and fail your test, you can disable this option. You can set a content-type to be critical by adding it to the list of Non-Resources. For details, see the Virtual User Generator Help Center.

  • Save snapshot resources locally. Saves the snapshot resources to files on the local machine.

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