Service Level Agreement wizard

This wizard enables you to define service level agreements (SLAs). SLAs enable you to define performance targets or goals for your performance test. During a test run, LoadRunner Enterprise measures performance and collects data. This data is compared against thresholds defined in the SLAs.

Define SLAs

To define an SLA:

  1. Select a test in the tree, and click Edit Test.

  2. In the Performance Test Designer window, click Summary.

  3. In the Service Level Agreement pane, click .

  4. Define the SLA in the Service Level Agreement wizard as described below.

Note: You can define SLAs in the Performance Test Designer only.


To view a list of defined SLAs:

  1. From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and selectTest Management (under Testing).

  2. Select a test in the tree. The Service Level Agreement pane lists the defined SLAs.

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Service Level Agreement wizard

User interface elements are described below:


UI Elements


Skip this page next time

When this option is selected, the SLA wizard starts on the Measurements page. For details, see Measurement page.

To view the Introduction page again, on the Measurement page click Back and clear the Skip this page next time option.

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Measurement page

This wizard page enables you to select a measurement for the SLA. Some measurements are measured at time intervals over a timeline, and others are measured over the whole test run.

UI Elements


Transaction Response Time
  • Percentile. Measures the percentage of transactions whose transaction response time falls below a specific threshold. The SLA is measured over the whole run.

  • Average. Measures whether the average transaction response time of the transactions over a specified time interval exceeds the defined threshold.

Note: Transaction Response Time SLAs can be defined only when at least one of the scripts participating in the test includes a transaction.

Errors per Second

Measures whether the errors per second over a specified time interval exceed the defined threshold.

Total Hits

Measures whether the total number of hits over the whole test run reach the defined threshold.

Average Hits per Second

Measures whether the average hits per seconds over the whole test run reach the defined threshold.

Total Throughput

Measures whether the total throughput over the whole test run reaches the defined threshold.

Average Throughput

Measures whether the average throughput over the whole test run reaches the defined threshold.

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Transactions page

This wizard page enables you to include transactions critical to your test in the evaluation.

Note: The Transaction page is displayed only when at least one of the scripts participating in the test includes a transaction.

UI Elements


Available Transactions

Lists the transactions in the scripts participating in the test.

To move a script to the Selected Transaction list, double-click it.

Note: You must select at least one transaction for evaluation.

Selected Transactions

Lists the transactions in the scripts that have been selected for the SLA.

To remove a script from this list, double-click it.

Note: At least one transaction must be listed.

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Load Criteria page

This wizard page enables you to select a load criterion for your goal and define appropriate load value ranges. For example, you can define the SLA to show the behavior of errors per second when there are less than 5 running Vusers, when there are between 5 and 10 running Vusers, and when there are 10 or more running Vusers.


  • This page is available only when defining the Average Transaction Response Time or Errors per Second SLAs.

  • In the next wizard step (Thresholds page), you will set different thresholds for each of these load value ranges.

UI Elements



The measurement selected for the SLA.

Load Criterion

The load criterion to consider when evaluating the goal.

  • None. Does not consider any load criterion.

  • Running Vusers. Considers the impact of the running Vusers.

  • Throughput. Considers the impact of throughput.

  • Hits per Second. Considers the impact of the hits per second.

For Average Transaction Response Time, you can also select:

  • Transactions per second. Considers the impact of the transactions per second.

  • Transactions per second (passed). Considers the impact of the transactions per second that passed the evaluation.

Load Values

Values of load to consider when evaluating the goal.

Value ranges must be consecutive, spanning all values from zero to infinity.

  • Less than. The lower range is always from 0 up to, but not including, the value entered here.

    Example: If you enter 5, the lower range is between 0 and 5, but does not include 5.

  • Between. The in-between ranges include the lower value of the range, but not the upper value. You can set up to three in-between ranges.

    Example: If you enter 5 and 10, the range is from 5 and up to, but not including, 10.

  • Greater than. The upper range is from the value entered here, and higher.

    Example: If you enter 10, the upper range is from 10 and up.

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Thresholds page

This wizard page enables you to define thresholds for the selected measurement.

UI Elements



The measurement selected for the SLA.


Percentage of transactions to measure against the configured threshold.

Available for the following measurement: Transaction Response Time Percentile

Apply to all transactions

Enables you to define a threshold or a set of thresholds for all of the listed transactions. Click Apply to all to apply the thresholds to all of the listed transactions simultaneously.

Note: Threshold values for the transactions do not have to be the same. You can assign different values for each transaction.

Available for the following measurement: Average Transaction Response Time

Provide a threshold value for all transactions

Enables you to define one threshold for all of the listed transactions. Click Apply to all to apply the value to all of the listed transactions simultaneously.

Note: The threshold values for the transactions do not have to be the same. You can assign different values for each transaction.

Available for the following measurements: Transaction Response Time Percentile

Threshold/<Threshold table>

The minimum/maximum threshold value for the selected measurement.

  • Transaction Response Time Percentile: If the resulting value over the whole run exceeds the defined threshold values, the SLA produces a Failed status.

  • Average Transaction Response Time and Errors per Second: If the resulting value over the specified time interval exceeds the threshold values, the SLA produces a Failed status for that time interval.

  • Average/Total Throughput and Average Hits per Second/Total Hits: If the resulting value over the whole run is lower than the threshold value, the SLA produces a Failed status.


    • Transaction Response Time Percentile and Average Transaction Response Time: When more than one transaction is selected, all of the transactions are listed in a table enabling you to define thresholds for each transaction separately.

    • Average Transaction Response Time and Errors per Second: When a load criterion is selected, the table displays the load value ranges, enabling you to define thresholds per range of load values. For details, see Load Criteria page.

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Summary page

This wizard page displays a summary of the SLA you defined and enables you to define more SLAs.

UI Elements


Define another service level agreement

Enables you to define another SLA while still in the SLA wizard.

If this option is selected, clicking Finish takes you directly to the page where you can select a measurement for another SLA.

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See also: