Threshold Settings dialog box

This dialog box enables you to define which percentage differentials between measurement constitute significant improvements or regressions in performance.

To access
  1. From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and select Performance Trending (under Applications).

  2. On the Performance Trending page, in the Trend Reports grid, click the name of the report to open. The report opens as an additional tab on the LoadRunner Enterprise Dashboard.

  3. On the <report name> Trend Report, click Set Thresholds.

Important information

The threshold definition and color settings are applied on a global level and hold true across all trend views in the report.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


Measurement Type

Includes the following measurement types:

  • Transaction Response Time (TRT). Measures whether the average transaction response time of the transactions over a specified time interval exceeds the defined threshold.
  • Transactions per Second (TPS). Measures the number of times a transaction was executed in a second.
  • Transaction Summary Pass (TRS). Measures the actual amount of transactions that passed within the trended time range.
  • Transaction Summary Fail (TRS). Measures the actual amount of transactions that failed within the trended time range.
  • Total Errors (ERR). Measures the total number of errors within the trended time range.
  • Errors per Second (EPS). Measures the average amount of errors per second within the trended time range.
  • Hits (WEB). Measures the total number of transaction hits to the web server within the trended time range.
  • Throughput (WEB). Measures the total throughput to the web server within the trended time range.

Enter the percentage differential between instances of the measurement that will be considered an improvement in performance.

Minor Regression

Enter the percentage differential between instances of the measurement that will be considered a minor regression in performance.

Major Regression

Enter the percentage differential between instances of the measurement that will be considered a major regression in performance.

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