Virtual Location Editor dialog box

This dialog box enables you to configure your network virtualization settings.

To access:

  1. Prerequisite

    To access this dialog box, you must have Network Virtualization installed on your machine. For details, see the Network Virtualization for LoadRunner Help.

  2. From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and select Test Management (under Testing).

  3. Select a performance test in the test management tree and click Edit Test.

  4. In the Performance Test Designer window, click Groups & Workload.

  5. Click .

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User interface:

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


Virtual Location Mode (On/Off) Indicates whether network virtualization is enabled.
Per Group

Assigns network virtualization locations per Vuser group. Each machine can only emulate a single location. (Default)

Per Load Generator Assigns network virtualization locations per load generator. Each machine can only emulate a single location.
Common Settings

Opens the Virtual Location Test Level Settings page, enabling you to apply the settings to all virtual locations that are included in the test. For details, see the Network Virtualization for LoadRunner Help.

New Virtual Location. Enables you to add a new virtual location. Type the location name and click OK. The Select Virtual Location Definition Method page opens, enabling you to configure the virtual location. For details, see the Network Virtualization for LoadRunner Help.

Edit Virtual Location Conditions. Opens the Select Virtual Location Definition Method - Summary page opens, enabling you to redefine the virtual location. For details, see the Network Virtualization for LoadRunner Help.

Import Virtual Locations from another Test. Opens the Import Virtual Locations dialog box enabling you to import virtual locations from another test. For details, see Import Virtual Locations dialog box.

Duplicate. Duplicates the virtual location.

Edit Name and Description. Enables you to modify the virtual location name and description.

Delete. Deletes the selected virtual location from the Virtual Locations list and any associated groups or load generators.

Location Name

Indicates the virtual location name.


The description of the virtual location.

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See also: